Danon, absolutely stunning work! I've not seen Klimt's art before!
Just one grandchild who lives in Pennsylvania. My daughter lives about two hours away, visiting quite often ~ she's given me a golden lab "my grandaughter" and a parrot "my other grandson". My son passed, and his widow and son are not in state for two years now, but my grandson visits during the summer.
The "herd" (cats) keep me busy though. Just like having a bunch of kids running around the house.
Wow, eleven grandchildren! You're a fortunate granddad
grandchildren..........interesting subject
I have two.
I surely hope we're all finished with the titty scandal! Oh my! MTV is lovin it.
I've been very happy again today. Life is good
Lola, I'm amazed the Janet 'scandal' continues to be the top news story!
Also, Michael Powell is calling for an investigation! Janets also been elliminated from the Luthar Vandrous tribute! OMG - the trauma of it all!
On a more positive note ~ you must be a very proud grandmom
Life is good, bright sunshine in the Sierra's, a very good day.
very good night too. Ohh, it's amazing how good life can be. It's scary, that's what it is.
breathing, Stadee.........breathing. :-)
I particularly liked that Klimt. I used to like him a lot, then got over it for a few decades, now like his work again, absence making the heart grow fonder, eh?
On photos on trips - I happen to be rather mad about piazza photos, and was particularly keen to nab some pics of piazzas I was most interested in (oh, say, 46 of them) about a decade ago when I put together some lectures on them. I hit on all my friends who had ever been to italy, just in case, and every single one only had pictures with a friend or loved one plunk in the middle of piazza whatever, grinning somewhat. So, Danon, I do so enjoy that you had 1400 or so photos (that's about my speed too, geez, 1400) with only three featuring y'self.
Yes, osso, it is my fate - so ordinary - is my life, that nothing exciting seemingly ever happens to me. Ah, well. I took my Oly Stylus Digital camera with three of the largest photo chips. That's room for around 3000 photos at regular rez. And, of course, I actually count on having 10 % or so really good pix, so I click away. The really good scenes I shoot at high rez which takes up a lot more room on the chip than regular. Those piazzas and campos are great aren't they......
Yep, Danon, I love them. I have scads of my own photos but they don't entirely encompass all of the places I am now wishing I had documented more. If I ever get my scanner back sparking, I'll put a bunch on the gallery here.
Nice to see Lola is happy happy happy-could it be love ?
Life is good, I am over 3 stone lighter than last year, half way to being fit enough for an Olympic length Triathlon and booked another cruise for November to pull us threw the winter-pinch me someone-nice to know my friends are getting some of the good stuff too
Great going hiama, over 42 pds....!!!!! That's really good...........
I am determined to lose 1.4 stone before my next adventure on the Continent. (((Oh, I have a scale in stone in my bath. It's really the same, but sure sounds a lot better to express in stones..!!! - - - LOL)))
yes yes..................llllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Ooh, Lola! Really? I KNEW something was going on! Have a seat here next to me on the couch and tell me about it.
Wassau, could you bring us a couple of glasses of champagne?...(looking at Lola blushing and sputtering)...On second thought, W, just leave the bottle...
I'll have what Lola's having
Eva, dolling............Champagne in the morning. Very nice. And appropriate too. Now, let me tell you (whispering)
Toasting to long life and good friends.
HIAMA, you look soooo good. Tell us please what has inspired you. I'm getting more exercise these days as well. It appears that old age is good for some of us.
You look SO good too Lola, age is a concept thought up by the young to manacle the others of us-young in spirit , I will be saying this as I blaze a trail at the front of my triathlon
Lola is our goddess.
I agree with you hiama. Societally, there appears to be two distinct people - young adults, and, very old kids. I kinda like the latter with only an occasional touch of the former.
danon5 wrote:Lola is our goddess.
Oh, very well. I suppose I could share the title.
You have no need to share anything. You are Botticelli's model for Venus.
Something quite apart from a goddess.
<<I know in my heart that I must explain this concept further, but - later.>>lol
<<Please see signature "Thot's" # 1, directly below. >>
Never mind, it's changed recently.............