I am so retentively unretentious. The "lady" next to me in my avatar is standing outside Schloss Belvedere in Vienna. Inside are major works of the artist G. Klimt - - - - - - among many others. Better site=
The avatar photo was a moment in our travels -
Patti said 'Let me take a picture of you. We never get pictures with you in them.'
I said, 'Well, ok, if you insist. Where should I stand?'
She said, 'Stand there next to those mames - err, I meant Dames - err,'
So, out of approximately 1400 +/-, photos, I am in about three.
This is one of them.
(The above is almost a work of fiction, having almost no relation to any or all event(s) in the real world - except for the Klimt painting, entitled, 'The Kiss')