If it's the Strip the Willow, we can do a dance demo
Orcadian (or Shetland) Strip the Willow
Formation: Couples in a long line down the room, men on the right and ladies on the left as viewed from the band. Couples number from nearest the band.
Music: 6/8 or 9/8 double jigs. E.g. "The Irish Washerwoman", "The Curlew", "The Jig of Slurs" for 6/8 and "Drops of Brandy" for 9/8.
Bars: Description
1-8 1st couple spin RH.
9-... 1st couple work down the opposite line (ie of the people of the opposite sex) turning side person LH, partner RH, next side person LH, ...
When 1st couple reach the bottom, they spin to the end of the phrase, then join the side lines.
A new couple starts every 16 bars.