farmerman wrote:No matter what NAder had done in his earlier years,I believe that his 2000 run , for everyone who thinks things out, resulted in the Iraq invasion by a president who was installed by the realities of the electoral college system in that
1.A candidate can win the popular vote but still lose the presidencey(Nader helped Bush)
2.As a result, the " Bush Illigitemetii" , after 9/11 , decided that a real war was a way to keep GW's poll numbers high.
3.So we got lied to and are now spending over 3/4 Billion bucks a day for a war that will end with a future civil war and further fracturing of the midEAst. (We may lose Turkey as an ally)
If NAder cant see that he could be cast as a modern Day Calligula
I'm sorry, if Nader has a message that people agree with then he should be allowed in this free country of ours to run for president and allow people to place their votes where their hearts/minds lie.
If Gore was unable to convince people to vote for him instead of Nader, then how is that the fault of Nader? Our voting system only allows 1 vote, and enough people agree with Nader's message to give him their 1 vote. The two party system in America needs to change.
I think what we need is a new election system where you can place a 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice for President to encourage more people to vote their beliefs instead of having to choose a place to put their 1 vote.