Quote:Presumably what you meant to say was that it is rude to approach an elder family member with the intent of changing his/her religious beliefs.
why should I have specified -religious- beliefs in a thread that is all about religious beliefs? That is what we are talking about. Of course that was what I was saying.
Quote:Are you implying that it wouldn't be rude for your elder family
member to approach you with the intent of changing your beliefs?
No. I am not -implying-. That is exactly what I said....
Quote: I said - But she is my mother. She is allowed to do that. She is allowed to give me direction, and suggestions. She is my mother. That is her job. I am her child, not her peer,
It is a parents JOB to give a child direction that they see fit, and important to their lives (their lives meaning the childs life). This involves religious beliefs as well. My mother is allowed to try to tell me about her religion and how I should be a part of it because to HER it is important and part of her entire existance.
I am allowed as her daughter, not her peer, to tell her that I don't want to follow that religion and tell her where I am going with my life. But to sit down and try to manipulate her in to thinking like I do just to satisfy my own personal need to 'win that argument' is wrong. If she does that to me.. well so be it. I can not control her nor am I going to try to. She is my mother and is going to try to give me religious direction because she lives with religious direction that teaches her it is wrong to do with out it.
Do I approve of that behavior? No way.

But it is not my behavior to change.
Quote:What if your Dad believes that Jesus wants him to torture defenceless children; should you respect him for this religious belief just because he is older than you?
Um.. THAT .. is entirely different and not at all what I was talking about so I hope you did not miss my point.
Quote:The existence of God is not a personal issue.
And this is where you and I might differ to the point of never really coming to any conclusions , agreements or ends with this.
I do think that a persons religion, God, Goddess, animal, place.. or what ever they hold in a religious esteem SHOULD be personal.
I do not agree with christians who go around trying to " spread the word of god" .
I also do not agree with other forms of christianity knocking on peoples doors prostituting their religion.
I do not agree with the " new age" people making attempts to belittle and disprove others religion as well, but that is an age old argument and a constant happening. Nothing I can control. I can only control myself in this situation.
I think a religious belief should be kept almost 'confidential' if you will, by the person who owns it. It is a personal choice the things you describe yourself as and govern yourself with. ( This is not limited to religion, but that is what we are taking about)
To speak about it to someone else who ISN'T part of your religion I see as arrogant and only self serving. (And I have always questioned that aspect in the christian religion. But.. again.. another rant indeed)
Mostly because the only person who would do just that ( preach to someone who doesn't follow their religion) is to attempt to convert them even if they can only plant a simple seed of question.
I see that as an example of Sheeple mentality( Sheeple mentality meaning -Dont think about how rude it is to jump into someones life and try to tell them they have been wrong forever because their religion is not the same as yours, just push on and convert them. ). a power play if you will that only leads to self judgment and judgment of the people around you. These are not always good traits to have. Especially with something as personal as religion. But again, I consider religion extremely personal and almost confidential .
I do not agree with that action. I dont care the scenario.
I dont care if it is a preacher talking to a child molester. I dont care if it is a Wiccan Priestess talking to an abandoned child.
Unless that person is ASKING for that information, it is not ok according to 'me and me alone' to impose your beliefs on someone else.
If everyone would treat their religion as a personal item that is sacred only to them we wouldnt have such fuzzy lines in places like the Government for a small example.
( division of church and state anyone? )
And no. I still do not think it is ok to approach my older family members with the simple intent of changing their beliefs. A persons religion is something they can use to define their entire lives with.
They can marry because of it . They can marry in its presence.
They choose their recreation around it. They can choose their friends because of it. Entertainment can be limited or expanded by it. Language patterns and even select words can be effected by it. Clothing style is effected by religion.. Their conversational patterns .Their FOODs sometimes..
To certain people, their religious beliefs can be the entire web of their existence. Who is anyone to attempt to remove that from someone else? If they truly are not using their religion to harm anyone, why is it ok to attempt to make such a fundamental change in someone? Because you think you know better for them? Why would anyone feel as though they should attempt to change someone in such a personal way? That borders on control if you ask me. And controlling someones beliefs is not ethical in my opinion.
Freedom of speach. Freedom of religion and freedom of choice.
It is ok to speak to someone to explain your stance, but not to sway. I consider it a basic form of respect. Everyone is allowed to believe what they want so long as they are not harming anyone.
If they ARE harming people ( Catholic child molesters ) then it becomes a broken law not a broken religion , and that is two separate things.