Wed 20 Feb, 2008 11:39 am
I've had quite a difficulty translating the following sentence:
Viri itineris pericula ingentia esse fama; acceperant; sed ut primum haec propinqua fuerunt, etiam veteribus militibus animus defuit.
If someone could help me, i would really appreciate it.
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Latin - eglish translation
Here's roughly what ive got so far:
The men have recieved the enormous dangers of the road (esse fama - i'm not sure how to make sens with those words); but when they got close, the courage also lacked to the old soldiers.
"accipere fama" means "to get news (about something or with infinitive, as here)"
I would translate "Ut primum" with "As soon as", here
With this suggestions the meaning of the rest should be easy....