Re: My icon... My mentor... My inspiration...
smyttie wrote:A friend of mine wants to remember her dad by this phrase... in Latin.
Sadly enough my Latin is really dead. I hope you can help me out on this one.
Here's some background:
"Icon" is also a Latin word (borrowed from the Greek). It means "image".
"Mentor" is also a Latin word. Well, actually it is the Latin spelling of a
Greek name. In mythology Mentor was entrusted by Odysseus with the
care of his son Telemachus when Odysseus sailed off to the Trojan War.
So you can imagine how the modern usage of these words came about.
Would they have had the same meaning in Roman times? I don't know.
"Inspiratio" in Classical Rome meant "breathing in", but in Later Latin, it
acquired the meaning of "inspiration" that we normally use.
Having said that:
Icon mea, Mentor meus, Inspiratio mea