Tue 19 Feb, 2008 08:46 am
Could someone please help me translate the following:
It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring
Thank you
C'est mieux de saisir l'univers comme il est que de persister en délusion, si satisfaisant et rassurant soit-il.
You did want French, didn't you? Only you didn't specify into which language you wanted your motto translated. Gonna hurt if it's a tattoo!
Laissons le persister dans l'illusion, Contrex.
Si jamais la vérité l'atteint..
Merci, Francis
I'll try Spanish next...
If you do that, Contrex, I'll try Italian...
Amaral has a nice song called "El universo sobre mi", by the way.