Well, I think it's a bad sign for a society in general when a person can't see any solution in his actual situation.
Certainly really many bad things came together, but as far as is known until now, the fact that his unemployment benefits stopped was the crucial criterion leading to the suicide.
Why didn't and/or couldn't he get help, councelling? He lived in a rather large city, a state's capital, so actually help was available - but either didn't reach him or wasn't what he was looking for.
Might be, more will be reported so one could leave the speculating level.
But unti know I really think he must have been in very desperate .... and 'unusual' mood to choose this way of ending his life (or "resolve his problems").
shewolfnm wrote:I wonder if his diary will be published...
If his daughter really doesn't want it, it belongs to the state and might be (perhaps) end in an archive.
I can't imagine that the state would publish it (now) - but who knows ...
Well, the daughter could accept it and have it published. (Hard to imagine, but I don't know the circumstances.)
Kafka... I'd not read that story before, JoefromChicago.
This also reminds me, sadly, of my artist acquaintance who died a year or two ago after she had fallen down shale, I think, when she was out painting 'in plein air' by herself with no cell phone. I think she lasted twelve days, but my memory being the iffy device that it is, perhaps fifteen or sixteen.
Ending a life prematurely is always sad, I believe.