Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 05:39 am
Hey Boida... Wobbie left us a while back.. around 20th April

Izzie wrote:

little fella here


Little fella is still covered in lesions - and theyare still coming out - it's been 3 weeks since the first ones appeared that we thought were midgie bites - all down his legs now too - nasty nasty itchy scratchy bits. They look less angry on his trunk tho now - maybe they'll be gone in another month or so. Bless him.

Wobbie the Wabbit is no longer at Chez Izzie. Had “made” him a hutch and put him outside " wabbits should be able to see the daylight and smell the grass " but this morning the 2 neighbours cats had managed to move the hutch and poor little bunny must have been terrified. So, S-boy and I took him to the vets who were delighted to see him " he’s strong now and eating soooooo much " lots of dandelions to spare " and one of the vets is raising baby bunnies....... so Wobbie has gone to them where he’ll be able run around and be out in the open. S-boy was cool with it " we were pretty lucky to get the experience of looking after a wild wabbit.

so all's well that end's well with the wabbit.

Toots are doing remarkably fine - have a bit of a clawing going on the right fight - but am able to move really well - after heap big yomping around my ankles give me grief, still haven't heard from DSC re getting new shooz - have my one pair of trainers with orthotics and my rather sexy brace - but all in all - they are not too bad. I climbed so many steps in London - Bazza was so patient with me and was the best camera lens holder and assistant one could wish for - never did I think I would be able to do driving right the way thru London, go on a boat, a train, the underground and yomp around London as I did. Wasn't just about having orthotic support - but Barry was a great support at helping me get back into the "world". I couldn't manage to do one paricular thing which was a bit of hoohaaa for me - had forced myself to go on the underground and be in "other people's space" <ugh - nasty nasty> - but there was a demonstration going on in Parliament Square and lots of shouting and chanting. We had especially gone back on Sunday so I could take photos of the stautes in the square (Mandela, Churchill...) - but, there were lots of people there and it was all a bit.... scary - so I coudn't make myself cross the road and into the actual square where all the police were and all that. Other than that - I did loads - thanks to a very patient friend standing close enough by but far enough away to make me do it on my own.

Hardest part of the weekend was trying to make myself leave FQhouse on Tuesday morning to go look for the car and then fill it up with diesel - different town, different folk - got myself in a real pickle before I eventually made myself walk out the door. Stupid stupid stupid. But did it - and got back - and without any hitches along the way. All in all - pretty good and massive for me. If someone is with me - I'm coco - when I'm on my own - in a strange place - I get panicky! Daft as a brush - thatsme!

anyhoooooooooooooooo.... had a big sleep last nite - over 7, closer to 8 hours (double tabs but didn't settle 'til 3) - FQ is on her way down to Devon (birthday weekend) but maybe won't see her til tomorrow as she has business meetings today. Should be a grand weekend tho.

BEAgle - it has been quiet round here a? Lots of debating threads going on around the board which is good to see again - not sure where t'other crew are - but... we can keep on sailing along a? How about we pop down to the galley and get a cuppa a? Razz

Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 05:44 am
Oh Vegemite - you sound fabulous girlie - so glad Eby is taking care of you. Verra excited for you here about the scan. Pregnancy was the most amazing experience ever - truly - I found it to be wonderful. Will be posting a pic of a little bub later (need to check with the Mom it's OK to put it on here) - love babies..... love them.

You are so blessed Vegemite - yep - keep everything as positive as you can - eat what and when you can and when you go to the scan - very calm and lots of deep breathing. Hold Eby's hand. Praying for you both.

Oh........... you just sound GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it! Very Happy
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 09:32 am
Hello verbivore. More saddle bag pressure. I am not a saddle bag kind of guy,...but,...I have to admit,..if I was a saddlebag, then that's the one I'd want to be. They are a work of art. Still in debate with myself, in regards to them. More importantly, you will also be carrying around an extra bag or two, when your new baby arrives. Joy.
Hello Izzie, ehBeth, Dutchy, djjd62, Roberta,...and crew. My Wings are down one game to the Ducks. Late game tonight.

Last time mismi went awol, didn't Tryagain declare: "...mismi, mismi, now you got to kiss me.... ",....over and over until she showed. Where's Try when you need him.

Time to do something I shouldn't be doing. Good day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 09:34 am
oh.... I've got girl clothes on Shocked well, kinda, still got trousers on - but smarty pants and top! Little fella has a music concert at school - he's playing the flute - so setting off shortly and hoping he doesn't get too nervous. Bless him - he's a star! Very Happy

edit: waves to Alex - have a good day hunni x

errrrrrrrrrr... yep - where is that Blue fella a? oh bluuuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooohoooooooooooo!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 02:39 pm
Izzie wrote:

Hey Boida... Wobbie left us a while back.. around 20th April

Izzie wrote:

little fella here


Little fella is still covered in lesions - and theyare still coming out - it's been 3 weeks since the first ones appeared that we thought were midgie bites - all down his legs now too - nasty nasty itchy scratchy bits. They look less angry on his trunk tho now - maybe they'll be gone in another month or so. Bless him.

Wobbie the Wabbit is no longer at Chez Izzie. Had “made” him a hutch and put him outside " wabbits should be able to see the daylight and smell the grass " but this morning the 2 neighbours cats had managed to move the hutch and poor little bunny must have been terrified. So, S-boy and I took him to the vets who were delighted to see him " he’s strong now and eating soooooo much " lots of dandelions to spare " and one of the vets is raising baby bunnies....... so Wobbie has gone to them where he’ll be able run around and be out in the open. S-boy was cool with it " we were pretty lucky to get the experience of looking after a wild wabbit.

so all's well that end's well with the wabbit.

Toots are doing remarkably fine - have a bit of a clawing going on the right fight - but am able to move really well - after heap big yomping around my ankles give me grief, still haven't heard from DSC re getting new shooz - have my one pair of trainers with orthotics and my rather sexy brace - but all in all - they are not too bad. I climbed so many steps in London - Bazza was so patient with me and was the best camera lens holder and assistant one could wish for - never did I think I would be able to do driving right the way thru London, go on a boat, a train, the underground and yomp around London as I did. Wasn't just about having orthotic support - but Barry was a great support at helping me get back into the "world". I couldn't manage to do one paricular thing which was a bit of hoohaaa for me - had forced myself to go on the underground and be in "other people's space" <ugh - nasty nasty> - but there was a demonstration going on in Parliament Square and lots of shouting and chanting. We had especially gone back on Sunday so I could take photos of the stautes in the square (Mandela, Churchill...) - but, there were lots of people there and it was all a bit.... scary - so I coudn't make myself cross the road and into the actual square where all the police were and all that. Other than that - I did loads - thanks to a very patient friend standing close enough by but far enough away to make me do it on my own.

Hardest part of the weekend was trying to make myself leave FQhouse on Tuesday morning to go look for the car and then fill it up with diesel - different town, different folk - got myself in a real pickle before I eventually made myself walk out the door. Stupid stupid stupid. But did it - and got back - and without any hitches along the way. All in all - pretty good and massive for me. If someone is with me - I'm coco - when I'm on my own - in a strange place - I get panicky! Daft as a brush - thatsme!

anyhoooooooooooooooo.... had a big sleep last nite - over 7, closer to 8 hours (double tabs but didn't settle 'til 3) - FQ is on her way down to Devon (birthday weekend) but maybe won't see her til tomorrow as she has business meetings today. Should be a grand weekend tho.

Sorry I missed the news about the wabbit. Glad he's doing ok. Even gladder that you're doing ok, missy. (I don't get the info about the diesel stuff. Don't drive. Don't know nuttin' about cars.)

Especially glad to see that you got a good night's sleep. I worry about you getting enough rest. I'll stop worrying, at least for now.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 04:10 pm
hey crew...

so proud of the little fella....

little kiddies playing flute

(click on HD button at bottom, hes third from right, check out at 1min15secs.... he counts with the girl beside him with his fingers... bless 'em)

Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 04:21 pm
With all this Henry the 8th stuff on the telly lately,that fitted in quite well.Big round of applause to S-boy and crew.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 04:43 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Thanku Thanku - he took a bow...

and I must sleep - very woozy - up at the early hours tomorrow for school run and work........

not wise to post!

Nite Bazza - hugs and love

Love y'all

Missy - miss you so much and our Blue. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 04:45 pm
Ah just in time to say goodnight to our Captain, sleep well my little princess, will guide the ship for the rest of the day. Smile
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 05:29 pm
Hi to all the crew. Glad you had a great time away Izzieliz. Verby, hope you are feeling okay and exciting news re scan. Been busy, busy here, out and about and selling my furniture on e-bay. Was exciting - it turned into a bidding war at the last few minutes to go. Wow! Dining room table and chairs are being picked up Saturday and the buffet and hutch are going to Tasmania. Beagle hope you are doing okay - haven't done a JP for a while. Did see the pic of great looking motorbike Alex, very nice. Hugs to all the crew.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 06:13 pm
Morning ddxx, congratulations on selling all yourf stuff on e-bay, have never been there, you have to tell me all about it as I have something to sell too. Smile
Play your J/P whenever you have time, I know you're a busy girl.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 07:08 pm
Morning Beagle, just click on to the ebay site and it will talk you through it. When you list your items to sell you can choose to put a starting price or not and you get ten days for people to bid. You build up a reputation on the feed-back from purchasers or if you are buying goods from the sellers. This was my first time selling although hubby has sold quite a bit of stuff (his electronic guitars, old football programes, - you would be amazed at what people will buy.

Will go and start a JP now.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 10:45 pm
Thanks for that ddxx, will have a look as I want to sell my Australian Post Office Yearbooks, you think anybody would be interested in stamps?

Thanks for playing J/P, you thrashing me again as usual. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 12:28 am
BEAgle..if it is one of those chocolate/strwaberry scones tht u gt to sell Wink ill buy..with one condition 'never to mention the name anywhere' Razz
hiya DDX..great to hear u did some selling there..i have heard a lot of ebay and wondered th things people sell there!! havent been much around the site yet.
alex - yeah i gotta carry more bags now Razz and dont ya worry with or without saddle bags ur thing is just a beauty
izziiee so happy to hear ur London adventure..really glad you could get out with those tootsies and feel great tht u gt the at friend for the journey.
will catch ye all aftr tmrws scan

Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 12:30 am
Cant stop.............. off to work -Rolling Eyes

Vergemite - good wishes for the scan hunni if I don't catch ya later - will be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing your news.

Hugs and love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 12:34 am

Right, I'm going to Scotland for a week, fishing. Leaving this morning, and am not packed yet.

Never mind, it's all in hand, and no rush. Looking forward to it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 12:49 am
My best wishes go with you tomorrow verbivore, if the news is positive I will give you my chocolate/strawberries scones for free. Smile

Morning Izzie, in a hurry as usual, take care honey.

I envy you McTag, have a safe and successful trip, of the latter I'm sure if the Scottish fish stories I heard from Mathos recently is anything to go by. Smile
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 02:20 am

I'm packed now, and good to go. Leaving in one hour.

Hey, Mathos! I miss him. Give him my best. I didn't know he was a fisher, either.
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 02:33 am
travel safe scotsman...
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 03:25 am
hiya BEAgle Razz....now for sure ill get back on this tomorrow..oh i just want those "chocolate scones"..so u better keep ur word Razz hmmm waiting for tmrw..btw i have all th other hints..saying its positive Razz so id rather say get prepared by buying those chocolate scones Wink..ctch u tmrw

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