Hey Boida... Wobbie left us a while back.. around 20th April
Izzie wrote:
little fella here
Little fella is still covered in lesions - and theyare still coming out - it's been 3 weeks since the first ones appeared that we thought were midgie bites - all down his legs now too - nasty nasty itchy scratchy bits. They look less angry on his trunk tho now - maybe they'll be gone in another month or so. Bless him.
Wobbie the Wabbit is no longer at Chez Izzie. Had “made” him a hutch and put him outside " wabbits should be able to see the daylight and smell the grass " but this morning the 2 neighbours cats had managed to move the hutch and poor little bunny must have been terrified. So, S-boy and I took him to the vets who were delighted to see him " he’s strong now and eating soooooo much " lots of dandelions to spare " and one of the vets is raising baby bunnies....... so Wobbie has gone to them where he’ll be able run around and be out in the open. S-boy was cool with it " we were pretty lucky to get the experience of looking after a wild wabbit.
so all's well that end's well with the wabbit.
Toots are doing remarkably fine - have a bit of a clawing going on the right fight - but am able to move really well - after heap big yomping around my ankles give me grief, still haven't heard from DSC re getting new shooz - have my one pair of trainers with orthotics and my rather sexy brace - but all in all - they are not too bad. I climbed so many steps in London - Bazza was so patient with me and was the best camera lens holder and assistant one could wish for - never did I think I would be able to do driving right the way thru London, go on a boat, a train, the underground and yomp around London as I did. Wasn't just about having orthotic support - but Barry was a great support at helping me get back into the "world". I couldn't manage to do one paricular thing which was a bit of hoohaaa for me - had forced myself to go on the underground and be in "other people's space" <ugh - nasty nasty> - but there was a demonstration going on in Parliament Square and lots of shouting and chanting. We had especially gone back on Sunday so I could take photos of the stautes in the square (Mandela, Churchill...) - but, there were lots of people there and it was all a bit.... scary - so I coudn't make myself cross the road and into the actual square where all the police were and all that. Other than that - I did loads - thanks to a very patient friend standing close enough by but far enough away to make me do it on my own.
Hardest part of the weekend was trying to make myself leave FQhouse on Tuesday morning to go look for the car and then fill it up with diesel - different town, different folk - got myself in a real pickle before I eventually made myself walk out the door. Stupid stupid stupid. But did it - and got back - and without any hitches along the way. All in all - pretty good and massive for me. If someone is with me - I'm coco - when I'm on my own - in a strange place - I get panicky! Daft as a brush - thatsme!
anyhoooooooooooooooo.... had a big sleep last nite - over 7, closer to 8 hours (double tabs but didn't settle 'til 3) - FQ is on her way down to Devon (birthday weekend) but maybe won't see her til tomorrow as she has business meetings today. Should be a grand weekend tho.
BEAgle - it has been quiet round here a? Lots of debating threads going on around the board which is good to see again - not sure where t'other crew are - but... we can keep on sailing along a? How about we pop down to the galley and get a cuppa a?