oh oh oh
oh oh MY
ALEX! She is beautiful. How very happy is that?
Well, for once, I'm speechless. What a beautiful motorcycle. I bet she purrs.................... oh..............Details Alex - where did you go and how did it feel to be riding along the highway?
Wotcha Bazza - hope all's good in London Town and you are enjoying your peace (no no no, I wasn't that loud - really I wasn't!)

Ship is looking spanking new after it's overhaul - now, need to find the crew who are on shoreleave
Vegemite - hey girlie - oh, so glad you can't eat anything (I mean that in the nicest possible way).... that is a good sign!!!!!!
GINGER.... root ginger, chew on root ginger if you can - great for morning sickness... whole day sickness - and peppermint tea. Have you got a date for the scan yet. Keeping everything here crossed that all will be well hun and that you'll find something that you can eat. Whatever it is, just go with it - just eat the things that taste OK... little and often. Have you spoken to the doctor about vitamins (pre-natal) and folic acid. Might be worth a mention - I know in the US and UK that it's common practice - but not sure about India what the recommendations are. How are the emotions - all over the place or holding steady at the moment? Very exciting times for you and Eby. x
BEAgle - hey there - glad to hear the heels are doing better and you're getting used to the supports - I hear ya about our Mis - have done a couple pings and hoping she is OK - hopefully she'll be on soon - think the inlaws are over and maybe they've gone away for a bit. Miss her too.
Well, will be back a little later. Making tea...