Mismi-hunni - gosh - haven't spoken for a while - thanku for all your good wishes - I am sitting in my kitchen with a mountain of paperwork - still haven't filled in the admission forms!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and gotta leave here at 6.30am (6 hours to go).
Oh well - haven't packed a bag yet - well - don't do that anyway - but better throw a few things together. Wouldn't want to scare all the docs.
Actually quite looking forward to having a good sleep - (I am a little nervous right now but will be fine once they give me the sleeping potion).
You know, today was such a beautiful day - I drove over the moors this morning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. There was a very low lying white mist in the valley's and it looked stunning against the backdrop of the Tors. It looked so cool and mysterious compared to the very blue sky. On the way back a few hours later - there were clouds on the horizon - but it was all pink , orange and grey. It looked like a watercolour - you know, when you see a watercolour picture and you think, gosh, nothing could look that beautiful - but it did - and it was real - almost magical actually.
Anyways - there I am off rambling again - it was a lovely day today and even tho I am completely disorganised and not ready for tomorrow - am looking forward to seeing the sunrise as I leave the house in the early morning.
So, will head off the thread and try and finish up. Gonna go run a nice hot bath and light a few candles.
Will talk to you soon. Thanku for being fab.