oh djjd - isn't it a wonder - all of sudden the whole garden comes awash with colour - I can hardly believe how much is sprouting up all over the place here too....
well, I am so undisciplined - I go from doing the lawns, to sitting by the river, to playing the piano, to the lawns, to making a cuppa, to finding dandelions for Wobbie (who may shortly be Wobbie Goes Wild Wabbit) and then sitting again, take some pics, play the piano......... and..........
my oh my - all over the place
amd slightly addicted to playing this at the moment - so much emotion - makes me cry...
just gets me right.......................... there.............. that place right there
now........... if only the piano were in tune!!!!!!!!!!! £48 ..... oh dear dear dear - but gonna have to get it done if I'm gonna be banging it out at 2am - it's gotta sound right!
can't believe you went out to a gig!!!! - J baby would be so proud of you - and to take the photos!!!
See, you are moving in the right direction sweetheat - one step at a time and you will get all the confidence you need to get out there and explore the world - even close by!
I am so proud of you babe - that is such a big step for you and you DID it!
K has gone off to Wales to yomp up mountains - I am doing work in preparation for going off to Germany all next week and getting the girls ready to go back to school tomorrow night!
All go - no rest, but the sun is shining - hey ho
Love you babe
Brooke - you are gorgeous - LOVE the hairxxx
0 Replies
Sun 19 Apr, 2009 08:37 am
Good morning to the whole dancing shipboard. Sounds, and looks, like it was a pretty decent (if sometimes hectic) 24 hours for folks.
We had a pretty nice day (warm but not sunny) and lovely evening here.
The biggie for me was an appointment with the dentist. As a bit of a test re using fewer meds, the dentist asked if I would try having a filling replaced with no freezing ... nada ... ok <deep breath> ... turned out well. It felt a bit odd about 2 hours later, but no big pain. <deep breath>
Super pix everyone!
Yesterday afternoon, when I came back from the dentist, I saw the first flowers blooming in my front yard - a few scilla, johnny-jump-ups and one pretty purple crocus. Very blue/green/purple out there right now. Nice reward for my being a big girl at the dentist
wonderful..gr8 beatiful pics..everybody..izzie i have bookmarked ur picasapage : eby would be glad to see them. I loved the ideas of your potraits couldnt see all...as am in office..
djd - lovely to see life n rich hues there
Just Brook - Babbling girl - you just are sooo lovely & spirited.. uremind me of my college days hope u hade a great party..
BEAgle...hiya..guess its been a long time....
MIsmi - i still am nt able to see my avatar!!! and hey ur threesome in red..they are soooo adorable...
Hi verbivore, now it is Easter all your round for you, going by your Avatar. Mismi did a good job on that egg. Hope all is well with you and yours. Just a reminder, don't forget to vote.
but all is well at Chez Izzie and S-boy is zzzzzzzzzzzzzing.....
I'm supposed to be going to work tomorrow - but, 'aint gonna happen - left 3 messages with my boss but she's not picking up so phoned my colleague who will cover for me tomorrow. DogHouse - here I come! Nem'mind - kid's more important - will be going Wed and Friday - but Wellbeing and Work say I need to do phased return anyways - so, hey ho! Doc was helpful - did the "big and brave" til he started pushing a little about other stuff and then did the "bust and blubbing" bit.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO............ really UBER DUBER excited about JES being on the TV tomorrow and am gonna have to be up in just over 5 hours to see if I can record her. Oh....... so proud of the gal - what a superstar.
TC - hoping you had your caffeine gal and had the most wonderful day. Much love to you and looking forward to the upcoming installment of "revenge of the sis with pics" for payback. Love that bro a? Thinking of you hunni - enjoy your evening. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BEAgle - sorry I had to dash this morning, tho did get there on time, lo and behold. Haven't see you around tonite hunni - is all OK with you - missing you - love ya bub. How's the heel - you doing your stretching exercises...?? x
thanku - tell yer what - if I go kip now - can you keep a watch over S-boy and I'll be back in a few hours - he needs another antihistamine in 3 hours.
Not gonna miss Jes's big shoot to stardom for anything. Funny how we all feel so incredibly proud of her achievements -and she'll get to shine for the UK too. She is a superstar!!! RP is a star too - awwwwwwwwwww.... bless those Bahstonians. xx
Evening crew, long day in town today but we survived, thanks to a couple of cold charges.
Izzie, you did a great job posting those photographs of Jespah, you lucky duck seeing her in person first. Hope the interview will be posted on the threads somewhere so I can hear it all myself.
How is the little fella feeling today? You don't think it is something he caught from your wabbit? Catch up with you later.
Good Morning Friends...I can't stay - but I wanted you all to know I am thinking about you this morning...wishing you all well. We are so busy with baseball and all ! Hugs to you all...hope you are having a wonderful week!