Hey Crew
Thanku all - oof....... just needed a little reassurance there....
So.......Oh........... I am in........... nearly 4.30am and what a fab time
They were brill " been dancing and laughing " the gig was great!!!!!!!! It was Jaz’s first gig and she did good " so proud of her. The lads were a laugh and a half " got talking after, you know, as you do, might be going to photograph them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Told the lead singer he had a really happy face and it should be photographed " he’s got an “it’s me it’s me” face " reminds me of FQhubby " verra happy face " and the sax player was just amazing, and the drummer........ all of them " 3 guitairsts and Jaz on the keyboards. Oh, such a good time " I am reeling!
The “TruSteppaz”
http://www.myspace.com/trusteppaz (click One Steppaz Beyond Pre Demo)
The lads and Jaz - click the pic...

< dancing with camera " as one does

> not sure how it will sound on here...
It was so beautiful at the Barbican " all the beautiful boats and the sea " took a little walk on my own (safe enough " couple Bobbies on the Beat) and just so lovely " lights all shining on the water.

Babbling - hoping your birthday celebs were great too.
BEAgle " hope the farewell party for nephew was fantabulous.
I oughta go bed........ maybe a quick cuppa " the boids have started their tuning up...
last time I went out in the city was just over 2 years ago - since then once to Bristol, 18th bday in town, christmas work thing in town and out with Tulip coupla weeks back on the moors......... getting there a????????????????????????????? HA! No problem flying round the world to meet people I've never met before tho - that's easy compared to going out here! Daft a?

I did it, proud of me! <phew>