Morning all - well, afternoon now - glad to see I've found my caps lock off now - been up a while and just pottering around - lovely day to sit by the river...
oh dear oh dear oh dear
I really shouldn't post as the sun begins to rise a? not a good plan. Too late - it's done now.
So, the sun is shining and I have to figure my way thru another day - hoping to upload some pics of Eden (oh, what a wonderful place) if I can figure out the way to get them onto Picasa webs - think I've done it, but the quality isn't good - it takes 3mb pic and makes it to 160kb - ACK! <shudder> (hey ho - you'll get the gist of it)!
Love that station house DjjD and the fleurs - keep 'em coming - lovely to see. Mis, you've been hit twice in a week by the ball - think we should start putting pads on you when you go to the game a? Love the landscaping ideas - wish I could help on that - but I'd be rubbish - Soz looks as tho she's given you heaps to think about - great stuff. Lovin' your pics too gal - thanku all so much for sharing them. S-boy asked me how the chia's were made - he loved them - just brill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your egg for vegemite was the kindest gift Mis - that was so verra lovely of you (c'mere and hug) - you are the sweetest Dixie. x
Indeedee - hope the little baby smunch is doing better today - sorry for last nite - I was tired but not sleeping - may have made the breakthru I needed tho - when one makes a complete arse of onself it helps to clear the backlog in the head that's being building up of "just how stupid can one be" - then, you show everyone 'just how stupid' and .... voila.... onto another day - so here's hoping I will not be quite so ridiculous now.
Thanks to all who are puttin' up with me at the moment - that curve ball bounced off my heart and finally hit me on the head, left me a little bruised and battered. Good job I had my defences up - coulda been a lot worse!
So, where do I walk to now - this is the question. Who knows at the moment. Will go back to work and take it from there.
Bethie - how's you? did I read that you had more snow there - will it ever stop? TC - ahhhhhhhhh - you had 'the' party........ sure hubby's showcase is gonna be fab - please send us a pic when he's done. When do you take off for the 'school house'? - hoping all is good with you two girlies and the HIM and MrFixIt!
Vegemite - ah, there you are - lovely to see you back - hoping life is straightening out for you and there are resolutions to the goings-on. Just write when you want to hun - no pressure in the cyber world - we'll be here. Big wrap around hug to you gal. x
BEAgle - has it been 6 months already - he can't have been there 6 months already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great "farewell" party tonite and ENJOY!
RH - glad Bubba is back and they are rooling the roost again.
JPB - how's you gal? (x) jw - has Chi-town "sprung" yet - surely it's warmed up there now... and Dev.... anyone heard from Dev? and Bathy db - hope you're feeling better girl and getting out and abooooot!
So............ where's the Blue Fella then - he still on his vacation!!!!! Come back BlueBoy - miss ya like heck!
Alex - how are you hun? Do you have flowers blooming everywhere now?
Babbling - thinking of you and hoping that PaPas recovery is going well. Bet you are tired gal - always in my thoughts - hoping and wishing for you gal. How's it going at school?
TULIP - thanku so much for taking us to the Eden Project - you know how in awe I was - just what I needed to do. Might go down there again very soon! Me and my camera a? HA - you were very patient!
FQ - love you sis - all is gonna be fine.
All the crew, Bazza, Paddy, BigRed, Boida, Stormy, Foxy et al - have a great day and enjoy your weekends. Lovin' y'all. x