Hey Crew
Dutchy wrote:
Hope they didn't get lost in that rain-forest.
ha - nope BEAgle - wish i had tho! Life would be much more peaceful.
Missed you all last nite - to be honest - i can't remember much about last nite - I'm so sorry but I appear to have found myself in a fog - i thought i had posted, in fact i was sure i had, but obviously hadn't.

Will be back when i see a little more clearly and sort some stuff I need to deal with, get myself together. All is OK - no worries.
I can't even begin to describe the feelings I had yesterday at Eden. I guess I found my garden! It was utterly fantastic. If only..............
Of course I have a million or so pics - have so much to show y'all - here's a special one to me . I love this pic and what it represents. Gives me huge peace and strength.
Lovely to see y'all yabbering - warms my heart!