@Barry The Mod,
Afternoon Crew
Oh good job FoxyF - glad the taxes are done and dusted - yep, those kidlets wam the heart don't they?
Bethie - <waves, hugs> - love to HIM and the pack - hope all is good in Bethieland and life is being kind. Been clickety clicking - those folks are fab!
hey Baz - they actually sound quite good fun - could see me doing that!!!!! Loved the T-mobile one. Mind you, dunno that I'd respond to a txt - received 3 wierd txts from unknown person lately which weren't errrrrrrrrr... nice thoughts. Not nasty - but just not something I wish to think about - !!!! Strange! Glad to see you back and about - hope Easter was great and you made merry
here's the little fella blowing maltesers - got us a bit of a competition going with Dag and JoeNation in the future sometime whenever....
Little Fella will give you them a run for their money I reckon!!!!!!!!!!! <click on the pic>

What a SUPERSTAR he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So.............. hayfever........... that's what I think is going on with me - achoo - pass the tissues - I step outside the door and............ achooooooo........ pass the tissues again. Ugh. Head pounds - horrible. Only ever had hayfever once before I think, years back - so, this may be the problem right now........ or could be a headcold...... dunno - head hurt is sooooooooooooo sore - achoo - pass another tissue please!

Blooming blossom everywhere - beautiful - pass the box now please!!!!!!!!!! Got the beconase........ <sniff> <oooof>
Mis - love seeing you so happy girl - makes me smile so big and you're completely infectious - love hearing you bubbly and hearing the pride and smile in your voice when you talk about the littluns. It's wonderful. Love it

Hope the leg is doing better now - ooooooooh... nasty bruise.... can picture you hollering "hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllo" to the coaches. Made me laugh!
BEAgle - how goes it with you darlin'???????????
Vegemite................ where are you little one...... we miss ya girlie. x
Great days everyone............ have great days. x