Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 02:41 pm
Great pics, missi.

Check out that madras!!!

I know! - actually - Grandma did that...I am so scatter brained these days. I was just going to let them go in the same ol' same ol'. But nothing doin' for Grandma...so plaid they be! Thanks JPB!
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 02:44 pm
I think it's great! And you got all three of them smiling and looking forward at the same time.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 02:45 pm
Truly - it doesn't happen very often. Laughing
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 02:46 pm
Oh Mismi what lovely boys you must be very proud of them.

Back from the long drive from Kent, had some good times. Got S boy -Izzie's boy here, F boy and him have had some great hours playing here.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter belated!
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 02:47 pm

mmmmm Izzie - I want one of those! Yeah...having the three baskets of chocolate is proving trying. I really just try not to think about it! HA!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 02:48 pm
Hey Tulip! Thank you - I am proud...AND they are entertaining. You gotta' love that. I am sure S is having a great time there with you and Fboy.

How are you doing these days?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 03:58 pm
mismi, I love love love those baseball pics Very Happy What handsome little players you have. They are so cute when they're little. My baby boy is now 13 and will be playing on regulation size fields this year with 90 foot baselines and 60 foot pitching distance. Won't be a problem for him though, he's a big boy. He towers over me now and I just bought him a size 12 1/2 ( men's) cleats Shocked

btw...awesome team they are on...GO SOX!!!!
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 04:07 pm
Great pictures of your lovely boys mismi. When I saw them wearing the RedSox outfit I knew of someone here who would offer an encouraging comment. Laughing

Hi Tulip nice to see you back.

Busy day here so'll catch you all later.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 04:45 pm
Hey Crew "


mismi wrote:


Just look at those gorgeous boyz " just how handsome are they a? " s'lovely to see the littluns in their sport " so different to the UK and to see three rainbow kidlets all dressed up - Mis " you are verra verra blessed hun " you and the Prof must be so proud of them. Enjoy your vanilla rum after the game " just delighted to see your pics " our baby crew are the best. Thanku so much to you and Babbling for letting us see those precious babies and enjoy their smiles. Love them.

JPB " great to see you too " hoping it’s warmed up there and all is good with you today. Thinking of you and love you girl.

DjjD " hope you’ve had a good day and been out and about. Have you finished the decorating?

Tulip " glad the kids are happy doing and being " thanku " hoping to feel better tomorrow. Glad you are back safe and sound girl. I should take a pic of S-girls drawings and post " they are truly fantastic. Loved her new clothes. So proud of F-boy - he's growing in confidence. Sleep well tonite hun.

Stormy " hope you had a great Easter " glad baseball is underway for you. You sound great. Stormyboy, 13 already " time goes too fast a? S-boy is 12 soon. How come I don’t feel like an ‘ole Mom " think I oughta grow up a bit, maybe Razz

BEAgle " hope all goes well on the hoof, so to speak Wink

Love to all " missing those on shoreleave " hoping all are k.

Think I should go to bed " prolly won’t " going to play the piano " Les Mis.

Lovin’ y’all " good evenings, afternoons and mornings lovelies. x

Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 05:21 pm
Beautiful happy kidlets to warm the heart and make us all smile this week!!!!!

And......I just e-filed my 2008 taxes. Just HAD to tell somebody! http://images.paraorkut.com/img/emoticons/images/h/happy-480.gif
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 05:58 pm
Ahhh, look at all the handsome little fellas gracing the ship today.

(but please, no one tell hamburger that it's ok to wear plaid/madras shorts/pants - he just gave 'em up Wink )
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2009 07:37 pm
OHwee...Poor Hamburger...why can't he wear them...I love plaid shorts. (but I just whispered it - I did NOT say it out loud)

Thanks Bethie, Izzie, Dutchy, Foxy and Stormy - they make me laugh...they drive me insane...they amaze me. Life is never dull!

Stormy- can you believe the luck? We have all the Red Sox paraphenalia we need - we get to dress in the team shirts...I even had my St Patrick Red Sox T on for St. Patty's day. Wow..your son sounds like he is made for the game. Mine are teetinies...but they love it - and they play it like they are men! Such hearts for it...but that is instilled by their Daddy - I am just along for the ride.

I am tired. The coaches showed up late (5:30 game - so they were running from work) I had to warm the kids up...one of them nailed me in the shin...I have a nice round bruise from the ball on there now. When the coaches showed up they didn't even come and help - just sat there and watched...I finally turned around and said, "HELLO". They took over...thankfully.

I am going to clean up the kitchen and sit on the couch for a while. The Mentalist is on and I recorded it. I LOVE that show...JANE (man)...yummy.

Izzie - do rest and take care of yourself please...I know I have been self absorbed lately - but I do think of you and want you to get better SOON!

See you all later!
hugs and smooches
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 02:48 am
Morning Captain,permission to come on board?
Your T-mobile ad rang a bell.It's a copy of a "Flash Mob" of which I've done 2.Info is sent by SMS text message to your mobile/cell phone.My first was at The London Eye.We were told to bring along a banana and an umbrella and,at a pre-arranged time,we opened the umbrella,ate the banana and chanted/worshiped to the big wheel and then just walked away as if nothing had happened.The second took place in Soho Square.We were told to bring along a book and,at a pre-determined time,keep swapping it with as many people as possible in 5 minutes.I took Diamonds Are Forever by Ian Flemming and ended up with Blast From The Past by Ben Elton.At one time I had a Mr Happy from the Mr Men collection,a Bible,The Grapes Of Wrath and Andy Cap cartoons.All good harmless fun and a treat for the London tourists.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 06:19 am
@Barry The Mod,
Afternoon Crew

Oh good job FoxyF - glad the taxes are done and dusted - yep, those kidlets wam the heart don't they? Very Happy

Bethie - <waves, hugs> - love to HIM and the pack - hope all is good in Bethieland and life is being kind. Been clickety clicking - those folks are fab!

hey Baz - they actually sound quite good fun - could see me doing that!!!!! Loved the T-mobile one. Mind you, dunno that I'd respond to a txt - received 3 wierd txts from unknown person lately which weren't errrrrrrrrr... nice thoughts. Not nasty - but just not something I wish to think about - !!!! Strange! Glad to see you back and about - hope Easter was great and you made merry Very Happy

here's the little fella blowing maltesers - got us a bit of a competition going with Dag and JoeNation in the future sometime whenever....

Little Fella will give you them a run for their money I reckon!!!!!!!!!!! <click on the pic>



Razz What a SUPERSTAR he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz

So.............. hayfever........... that's what I think is going on with me - achoo - pass the tissues - I step outside the door and............ achooooooo........ pass the tissues again. Ugh. Head pounds - horrible. Only ever had hayfever once before I think, years back - so, this may be the problem right now........ or could be a headcold...... dunno - head hurt is sooooooooooooo sore - achoo - pass another tissue please! Razz Blooming blossom everywhere - beautiful - pass the box now please!!!!!!!!!! Got the beconase........ <sniff> <oooof>

Mis - love seeing you so happy girl - makes me smile so big and you're completely infectious - love hearing you bubbly and hearing the pride and smile in your voice when you talk about the littluns. It's wonderful. Love it Very Happy Hope the leg is doing better now - ooooooooh... nasty bruise.... can picture you hollering "hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllo" to the coaches. Made me laugh!

BEAgle - how goes it with you darlin'???????????

Vegemite................ where are you little one...... we miss ya girlie. x

Great days everyone............ have great days. x

Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 07:00 am
Hey Iz - that boy is a doll...he and my boys would have the best time together. Would love to see it happen.

Have to work today. Yuck. I went and bought scrubs because I was tired of getting snot and drool on my everyday clothes. I have to figure out what I am doing next year that will still let me be home when my boys are home and stay home during the summer...have to figure it out quickly. I have to have it in place by the time school is out and that is just 6 weeks away! I only have 4 more to work!!!! WOOHOO!

Gotta go get ready...
hugs to all...hope you will have or are having a great day - those that sleep - rest well!
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 07:31 am
Hey Mis - wouldn't they just.... they would have some laughs together.... oh, have pics to post of the frogs and newts - your fellas would love them...... you know, anytime you guys can get over - the house is yours!!!! Think you'd find the weather a little depressing tho if it's a grey day.

mmmmm...... thinking about your "being home" stuff - you know, you did really well sticking with the pre-school job especially having been so poorly and eveything else going on - is there maybe some kinda admin work you could do from home - I dunno, transcripts or something like that? maybe put a resume into some companies saying you can type overflow work/research info, what about hubby's company - anything like that???? What's happening with the bio????

F-boy is here with S-boy now and staying the nite - they are being ninja's right now - bamboo has a lot of uses!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so lovely watching them - they are incredibly close. Tulip, Moi, S-girl and the boys are going to the Eden Project in Cornwall tomorrow. She's picking us up and I am gonna have my camera charged and ready to shoot. We decided she may need to sit down for a bit with the kids because I will be "oooooooohing" and "ahhhhhhhhhing" at everything and shooting all the fleurs - she reckons it may be a long day for her! hahahahahhahahhaaaa..... best take a box of tissues too a? Will be getting the train-thingy up and down because its apparently a bit of walk - might need to "brace up" for the day (ugh)!


It's just started raining here so hopefully my shnoz will stop running now! Very Happy Boys are getting muddy.... wonder how many sets of clothes we'll get thru today Shocked Bless!
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 08:51 am
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh.......... sky has turned BLACK! We've got us a thunderstorm coming...... cooooooooooooooooooool! Razz
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 08:53 am
rain gone here, sun coming out, that eden project looks awesome
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 09:24 am
Yep DjjD - reckon it would be just your sorta place.

Should be a good day out " will take lots of pics (hopefully not too boring) " and get some info about the place to post.. Looking forward to it. Very Happy

This fella and his friends are over here....


What a Handsome Prince....

Oohhhh laaaaaaa lllllllaaaaaaaaaaa



Verra heavy big rain here and the thunder and lightening has just started - it's black outside - amazing. The kids are hoping the power will go - oh no no puhleaze!!!!!!!!!!!! Wink
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2009 09:34 am
Great photos, Izzie. Is that from your new camera?

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