hiya captain..im here..i come see ...read

and vanish..smehow felt like hibernating for a while. Last week with maundy thursday preparations, good friday fasting & easter special cooking was damn busy..then came the hindu keralite festival vishu again a whole set of rituals & preparations.. advantages of an inter-religion marriage! we are planning to as the Gods to have a meeting up there to keep each celebration with proper gap..what with all of this by the middle of ths month we are financially broke!
Ur little fella has become quite a star

he has a thing for animals..which is gr8 to see in kids! wat with the kitties, dog, wabbit, frog..quite a range of them I should say...
Am i shocked to hear that lens spoilt by ur kitties ? my my and ur sooo Kool abt it??

hats off lady!
Mismi the kitty did fetch quite a lot of giggles..
Did dev hop in anetime? missing her..
BEAgle the comment that you had too many easter eggs that you lost count was not completely lost on me !!!!!
i dnt get even one!!!!!!!!!!!

now i hav to wait for another 1 year to get an easter egg !!!!