Good Morning Crew
Hey Ros - nice you see you here

You should be greening up nicely soon too. Oh - I have a question for you - will put it over on Boida's thread when I can upload it - it's like a "maggot"
Babbling - just look at our crew baby - OH MY - he's soooooooooooooo big...... he's a wee man - and look at his big blue eyes - reminds me of R-boys eyes with the blonde blonde hair. What a handsome little man he is - makes ya melt I reckon! So good to see you and hoping PaPa's recovery will continue. You all must be tired - hope you are managing to get some sleep. Love you sista. x
BEAgle - hoping all is well with you and MrsB - hobbling improving any????? How many eggs did you end up eating a??????? x
Little concerned for our Vegemite - haven't seen her over Easter - hoping she and hubby are k - wonder how the egg decoration went at work.
Wishing everyone a great day - not sure when I will be back on today - hopefully in a wee bit - we're ....errrrrrrr...infectious dwarfs - sneezy, coughy, happy, grumpy, dopey, tiredy and need a doc!!!!! Need a Snow White to do the chores please - volunteers???????
Love y'all. x
<Mis - one bit of a candy.... just one a? oh no no no.......I shouldn't be encouraging you......... here........... have a carrot stick

love you xxxxxxxxxxx