There were parallel universes within blocks of each other.
This was the middle of San Angelo,Texas, smackdab in the center of '68.
In a bar, I heard one Air Force TechSargent fuming to another that he had
thought the young airmen were giving each other the "V" for Victory sign. Now he had found out the truth.
A minister asked a friend of mine why there was flower decal on her car.

"Dunno," she said,"I guess I like it there." He seemed troubled by her answer.
There was a long argument at KWFR-AM/FM over whether Uncle Gordie, the longish haired ex-USAF deejay who also ran the Hole in the Wall Coffee House, was required to play "The Fighting Green Berets" song just because it was in the playlist. He never played it. The station manager said that he should play it every now and then. Okay, Gordie said, I'll play it.
Of course, when he did play it he followed it with Buffy St-Marie's "Universal Soldier".... .