Re: Reasons why it is GOOD to have many kids...
redpickle wrote:
- No headache where to find a nanny or babysitter, how much to pay, how to make a background/criminal check.
- The kids get hands-on lessons on cooperation, on dealing with older and younger people.
- when they grow up, they have less stress of finding a job since so many relatives create a safety net of potential jobs
- they can have a family business which is almost always more loyal
- less problems/anxiety in school since there's always an older one to get comfort from, or the younger one to look after
- emotional support net throughout life
- the mother is not as exhausted as it may seem from the outside because there are always older helpers looking after the younger siblings
- loads of friends right in your home
- fun for the kids!
- help with homework
red pickle, you have both totally missed my point, but even more telling of your motive of convincing people having a large family is ideal is the way you change your words to suit your purpose.
in you initial post above, you indicate nothing other than your statements would be true....then, when confronted, you change your words to "less likey", and, with no backup data.
My husband is the 10th of 11 children. Is that a large enough family for you?
In his family, there is a pedaphile (maybe of his brothers, long dead, was mentally impaired, so I've never been clear on if he just didn't have the capacity to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate any event he was institutionalized for the last few years of his short life)
There are also at least 3 alcoholics/drug addicts, my husband (25 years sober) being one of them.
At least some of of the siblings also have problems with depression.
Some of the siblings are closer than others...but honestly, none of them are immediately on the phone with each other when they have a problem. They're spread all over the country, and the one's who are in the same state are there because that's where they chose to live, not because a relative is near by. They live in Idaho, Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, Florida. The 2 in Fla see each other the most, maybe every couple of months, and that because they live in towns next to each other, and one sister rents a condo to the other. The others see each other once a year, once every few years, once every decade, or never. Not much more for phone calls either.
No family businesses, no relatives working for others.
No advice back and forth about child rearing, in fact, more than half of them had zero or only 1 child themselves.
In honesty, most of them get along with each other just fine, but it isn't some love fest of shared childhood memories.
I'm from a family of 5, might not be a large enough family for you, but bottom line, the most positve attribut any one of us has to the other is apathy....3 alcoholics, one dead from it at 32, 1 depressed with multiple suicide attempts, 2 OCD and anxiety sufferers.
So, take your theory of FUN!...COOPERATION!....SUPPORT!....YAY MEMORIES!!!......and stick it in your ear.
I could go on, but why bother? You've made your mind up, and facts won't sway you.
You don't come from a large family, or have one, so frankly, you have nothing to go by but some fantasy you've built in your head.