Noddy24 wrote:I remember the L____ family. There were 17 children all spawned and birthed in a 20 year period.
Debbie was in my grade. She had two dresses, one for church and one very tattered and bedraggled dress for school. It had been handed down from her next older sister and was washed only over weekends so that it would last.
One Monday Debbie came to school in high excitement. A stranger passing by had seen all of the kids in the yard in their church clothes. He asked "Was it a party?" and was told, "No, this was just the family."
Then the stranger went and bought two gallons of ice cream and Debbi was allowed to have as much chocolate ice cream as she wanted.
..The story continues: Debbie's grown up, has a family, lives her life (whether rich or poor). Some of her siblings live nearby, some dispersed elsewhere.
Debbie has had her share of bad life events: one of her brothers died, her mother gets older and weaker, one of her children her child got in with a bad bunch.
She has had comfort of her living siblings through the death of her brother. They as a family will always find a place for their mother, the nursing home is out of question. There are several different countries/cities she can send her troubled son to get away from the bad crowd, and a couple of brothers have businesses where the boy can get a job and get a footing.
Debbie's classmates, Clara and Richard, who used to have plenty of clothes, had one and none siblings respectively. When Clara's brother tragically died, she felt overwhelmingly alone in the world, and her mother who started having Alzeimers were a crushing responsibility. Her mother had to go to a sub-standard nursing home where she eventually died.
Richard was the only child and got the best education. As the only child, though, he got used to the world revolving around him. He had hard time holding jobs where there is subordination. He is p**d off at the world and thinks it unfair.