Well, I've got three contracts for cooking/first aid.
The first one starts Feb 20 and goes until the end of March, maybe into April. It's 3 hours out of Smithers and I will be cooking for a drill crew and some geos (max 12 guys)... the tricky part is that I'll be serving breakfast to 6 of them at 6:00 a.m. and then dinner to the night crew at 7:30 a.m. I reverse that at dinner, 12 hours later. Long days.
The next job is a camp further north, has 30 guys and I have a bull cook to help. That's from around June 1 - mid October. It's three weeks in, three weeks out and on my weeks out, I'm supposedly going to another camp further north yet again. Same number of guys and extra cook. Also, I'm not the main first aider (great). So, three contracts. We shall see what pans out.
Between Hawaii and Smithers, I'm packing up my little shoebox of a place and storing stuff at K's until I get back from camp. He's using my car (cheaper on gas), and I'm happy it'll be driven. I will be homeless

ack! He has invited me to accompany him to Switzerland and Austria in April if I'm not working and I'm going to go if that's the case. He's a great travelling companion and I've not been to those countries.
Tomorrow I'm working at The Core Shack for a friend (just for the day) and will wander about handing out cards, etc. Even though I have work, there's always next year to think about. And something may fall through this year, so... I went Monday to the Conference and networked like crazy but today I spent working on the food order and signing my contract... and lunch with some former work buddies. Nice, easy day. I think I'm going to veg out for a bit and watch some Home and Garden TV

and have a glass of Chardonnay... it's nearly 5:00 pm - it's not too obscenely early to crack open the bottle, is it?
It's been great seeing everyone (friends and colleagues) but I'm dying for some alone time. I can't wait til Thursday - I'm going home!
Well, that's my update.