@cicerone imposter,
Oh ho! Fell right into it didn't you? How do you know I didn't have my tongue in my cheek? Cal said I had all the time. Is it your special preserve?
Not that I did mind you. The trick about having your tongue in your cheek depends on never admitting it.
You should get out of that cosy cocoon of your's in which you wallow in the fond belief that you can ignore the aesthetic, moral, spiritual, political, military and social implications of atheism and look at it from the point of view of science, or pseudo-science, exclusively, and even then ignore the utilty of religious beliefs from an economic point of view due to your incapacity to imagine that such a utility might exist.
You even see the education of 50 million kids with everything on ignore except your own atheism which has the wondrous advantage of you never been in the wrong because the premiss from which you start is the same as the conclusion you arrive at. It's called bigotry.
And when you have got your atheism into schools you'll be ignoring the role of reproduction in its sexual selection aspects and parading up and down with a placard in front of a school in which a gutsy atheist biology teacher makes those aspects, the seduction phase, as seen in many Attenborough programmes, the central plank of his/her course.
It's easy to see that an extremely oversimplified version, laughably oversimplified, of what takes place consequent on the "vinegar stroke" can be presented with slides and coloured diagrams in a clinical scientific fashion but the VS is conditioned on what happens before it and therefore the latter has intellectual priority. And is far more interesting and especially to classes of mixed 16 and 17 year olds.