Why 7 days for Creation?

The Anointed
Tue 11 Oct, 2022 05:27 pm
Blind guides teach a trinity God, Eternal suffering, And all go to heaven that are saved--Not one of them is bible truth. I shared those 8 teachings from Jesus to you. You wont believe him, i am sure glad my teachers did.

Did your blind guides also teach you that the man Jesus was born of a virgin without male semen having been introduced into her uterus? And that Jesus was not of the seed of Adam the son of God; see Luke 3: 38.
Wed 12 Oct, 2022 12:46 pm
@The Anointed,
Every human being was apart of Adams seed-Thus Mary was.
The Anointed
Wed 12 Oct, 2022 09:48 pm
Every human being was apart of Adams seed-Thus Mary was.

Thus was her son Jesus who was under the penalty of death as are all the descendants of Adam. Therefore, his death could only pay for his inherited penalty.
Thu 13 Oct, 2022 03:32 pm
@The Anointed,
He was sinless, he did not owe the wages of sin, his death is the ransom sacrifice.
The Anointed
Thu 13 Oct, 2022 08:05 pm
He was sinless, he did not owe the wages of sin, his death is the ransom sacrifice.

You plant a seed only to find ten years later that it is a noxious invasive weed that is destroying all other plant life and it must be destroyed, only by destroying every seed that came from that original plant can the original plant be destroyed.

Jesus the son of Mary and her half-brother Joseph, who were both sired by Joseph the son of Alexander Helios and whose genetic ancestor was King David of the seed of Adam, was of the seed of Adam himself.

Hebrews 5: 7; In his life on earth Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries and tears to God, who could save him from death. Because he was humble and devoted, God heard him.

(For what reason did God hear the prayers and requests of the man Jesus? )

But even though he was 'A' son of God, (As are all Jews, Psalms 82; 'You are gods,' I said; 'All of you are sons of the Most High.') he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient. (Before he learnt through his sufferings to be obedient, he must have been disobedient and imperfect) When he was made perfect (Through his sufferings), he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, 10and God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.

It was only when he was made perfect through his sufferings, that he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey the words that he spoke, that God declared him to be high priest, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.

5: 5; In the same way, He did not take upon himself the honour of being a high priest. Instead, God said to him: “You are my Son; today I have become your Father.” He also said in another place, “You will be a priest for ever, in the priestly order of Melchizedek.”

All have sinned and all must die once and go off into judgement.

Fri 14 Oct, 2022 05:11 pm
@The Anointed,
Show me in the 66 books where Joseph is Marys half brother.
Jesus didnt sin. God sent Jesus from heaven. All evidence points to it being Michael who was sent.
The Anointed
Sat 15 Oct, 2022 12:49 am
Show me in the 66 books where Joseph is Marys half- brother.

Luke 3: 23; When Jesus began his work, he was about thirty years old. He was the son, of Joseph, who was the son of Heli, 24the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph, 25the son of Mattathias, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Esli, the son of Naggai, 26the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Josech, the son of Joda, 27the son of Joanan, the son of Rhesa, the son of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, the son of Neri, 28the son of Melchi, the son of Addi, the son of Cosam, the son of Elmadam, the son of Er, 29the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, 30the son of Simeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of Eliakim, 31the son of Melea, the son of Menna, the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan, the son (Stepson) of David.

This was not Joseph the son of Jacob from the tribe of Judah, who married the already pregnant Mary and had no sexual relations with her until she had given birth to Jesus the son of Joseph the son of Heli from the tribe of Levi.

The great grandfather of the biblical Jesus was Yehoshua/Jesus III, who was the high priest in Jerusalem from 36 to 23 BC and is believed to have been murdered at the orders of Herod the Great. The sonless Yehoshua, had three daughters, Joanna, Elizabeth and Anna/Hanna, whose mother was from the tribe of Asher.

Knowing that his Zadokian lineage would become extinct unless his daughters were placed with future husbands according to the Torah, he married them off to chosen husbands.

Joanna, was betrothed to Joachim from the non-royal genetic lineage of David. The second daughter of Yehoshua III, was Elizabeth. This was the Elizabeth, who, at a very advanced age was to become the mother of John the Baptist in 7 BC, a year before the birth of Jesus and some 16 years after the death of her father ‘Yehoshua/Jesus III,’ in 23 BC, and she was betrothed to a Levite priest by the name Zacharias of the priestly course of Abijah.

The young Davidian prince Heli, [Alexander Helios III] the son of Mattathias ben Levi, was chosen by Yehoshua/Jesus III the high priest in Jerusalem, as the candidate to marry his daughter Hanna/Anna.

There are two men from around this period, who were named ‘Alexander Helios III’, one was the son of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, who was adopted out after the suicidal deaths of his parents, with absolutely no historical evidence of what may have happened to him, the other, was the son (Or adopted son) of Mattathias=Mattat and his wife Esther of Jerusalem, or Queen Alexandra II, a close friend of Cleopatra the Queen of Egypt.

Alexandra was to become the mother (Or step-mother) of Heli ben Mattat or Prince Alexander Helios III. who became the father of Mary the mother of Jesus.

Esther of Jerusalem can be identified as the future Maccabee Queen known by her Greek name as Queen Alexandra II, who was the great grandmother of Yeshua (Jesus).

Hanna/Anna, the third daughter, was betrothed to Alexander Helios III (Heli) a young Macedonian Jew, of the tribe of Judah through Nathan the Levite, who was the stepson of King David.

Alexander Helios=Heli, the biological grandfather of Jesus, according to the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Luke 3: 23; was a descendant of Nathan the Levite who was the biological son of Bathsheba the daughter of Ammiel, the son of Oded-Edom, who was a descendant of Moses from the house of Levi.
Sat 15 Oct, 2022 12:50 pm
@The Anointed,
You need new teachers. They and you are calling Gods word lies. Not a wise place to be standing sir.
The Anointed
Sat 15 Oct, 2022 05:35 pm
You need new teachers. They and you are calling Gods word lies. Not a wise place to be standing sir.

It amazes me how any intelligent person can be deceived into believing the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth of the man Jesus, who our Lord chose as his earthly temple through who he could reveal himself to us. The man Jesus of whom the Lord said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."
The Hebrew has a specific term for ‘Virgin’ and that word is ‘Bethulah,’ which word is used in the Old Testament whenever a woman, who has never had any sexual contact with a man is being referred too, but Isaiah does not use the word ‘Bethulah’ in the famous passage ‘Isaiah 7: 14,’ instead he uses the Hebrew ‘almah’ which refers to any woman of marriageable age, irrelevant as to her sexual status.

The Greek language did not have a specific word for virgin. The Greek ‘Parthenos’ refers to any youth, male or female, of marriageable age, irrelevant as to their sexual status, and denotes ‘virgin’ only by implication.

The young 13 years old unmarried Mary, was a ‘Parthenos,’ a young unmarried woman, who told the Messenger of God that she had never had sexual contact with a man, thereby implying that she was still, at that point in time, a virgin. It was not until three months later when she returned from her visit to her aunty Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, that she was found to be pregnant.

When the Septuagint was translated from the Hebrew to Greek, hundreds of years before Jesus, the Hebrew translators were forced to use the Greek word ‘Parthenos’ when translating the Hebrew ‘almah’ to the Greek, and as Matthew’s gospel was originally written in Hebrew, when it was later translated to Greek, the same word ‘Parthenos’ was used to translate the Hebrew ‘almah.’

“The Greek word Parthenos (παρθένος) is ambiguous but the Hebrew term “Almah” [Unmarried Female] is absolute, and is erroneously translated from Isaiah 7: 14, to English in Matthew 1:23; as “virgin,” whereas according to Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, the Hebrew term “almah,” carries the meaning, (Concealment---unmarried female.)”

Isaiah 7: 14; correct Jewish Translation: “Therefore the Lord, of his own, shall give you a sign; behold the ‘YOUNG WOMAN’ is with child, and she shall bear a son and she shall call his name Immanuel.”

An ‘almah’ (An unmarried woman) can still be a virgin, but there is no way on this God’s earth that a young woman who is ‘WITH CHILD’ can still be a ‘virgin.’ There are of course those who would argue that an unmarried woman could be artificially inseminated without breaking her Hymen, and the male child that formed in her womb could be delivered by Caesarean Section, and the young woman would then remain a ‘virgin,’ but the child would be the biological son of the sperm donor, and not some miraculously born ‘Son of God.’

Isaiah 7: 14; Erroneous KJV Translation; “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold the ‘Virgin’ shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.”

The actual word “Virgin” in reference to the mother of Jesus was not introduced, until the Latin Bible ‘The Vulgate’ was translated to English, when the Latin word ‘VIRGO’ was translated to Virgin. For just like the early Greek language, the Latin did not have a specific term for ‘VIRGIN’, their word “Virgo” refers to any young woman of marriageable age, whether or not she had previous sexual relations with a man. Even though, by the time of Jerome, the false teaching of the miraculous virgin birth of Jesus was firmly established.

The apostles did not teach the false doctrine of the so-called non-biblical VIRGIN conception and birth, of Jesus by his mother Mary.

In the days of the Apostle Paul, the people were already beginning to fall away from the truth, and following another gospel that was not taught by the word of God or the apostles.

In his 2nd letter to the Corinthians 11: 4; Paul says, “You gladly tolerate anyone who comes to you and preaches a different Jesus, not the one we preached; and you accept a spirit and a gospel completely different from the spirit and the gospel you received from us.”

So, what was that other gospel that was leading the people away from the truth and away from the Jesus as preached by the Apostles, to another false Jesus?

That gospel was the word of the anti-christ, that refused to acknowledge that Jesus had come as a human being, and instead, they believed that he was a spirit, whose humanlike body was able to pass through Mary’s Hymen without breaking it, and who, like some Hologram, would appear and disappear at will.

Even in the days of John the beloved disciple, ‘Docetism,’ the concept that Jesus had existed as a spirit rather than a human being, and could appear and disappear like some hologram, had begun to rear its ugly head. That’s why it is written in 1 John 4: 1-3; My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere. This is how you will be able to know whether it is God's Spirit: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ came as a human being has the Spirit who comes from God. But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the Spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the Enemy of Christ; you heard that it would come, and now it is here in the world already.

2nd letter of John verses 7-10; “Many deceivers have gone out all over the world, people who do not acknowledge that Jesus came as a human being.

Such a person is a deceiver and an enemy of Christ.” Where would one expect to find the teaching that Jesus was not a true human being, “Born of the seed of Adam” which teaching has been spread ALL OVER THE WORLD?

By the second century, ‘Docetism,’ the concept that Jesus had existed as a spirit rather than a human being, had all but theoretically been stamped out. Yet there still persisted the belief that their Jesus, although seen as a sort of human being, did not have our normal bodily needs, such as eating, drinking and excretion, and Clement the bishop of Alexandria, wrote: “It would be ridiculous to imagine that the redeemer, in order to exist, had the usual needs of man. He only took food and ate it in order that we should not teach about him in a Docetic fashion.” Even though the scriptures state that it was because Jesus was hungry, that Satan tried to tempt him into turning the stones into bread.

Their Jesus was not the Jesus as taught by the apostles, but that other Jesus, taught by the Anti-Christ, who unlike we mere HUMAN BEINGS, did not need to eat, drink, or go to the toilet, as was taught by one of the great teachers that the authorities of Emperor Constantine’s universal church, used as one of their authorities when trying to defend their false doctrines.

Saint Clement of Alexandria, who was a saint in the Martyrology of the Roman universal church, in support of the great lie, speaks of the time that some imaginary midwife, who was supposed to be at the birth of Jesus, (Non-biblical) told some woman by the name Salome, that the mother was still a virgin after the birth and that her hymen was still intact, and that this supposed Salome, stuck her finger into the mother’s vagina to check, and her hand immediately withered up, but the baby Jesus reached out and touched her hand and healed it. (All non biblical).

Down to the 17th century, Clement was venerated as a saint. His name was to be found in the Martyrologies, and his feast fell on December 4. But when the Roman Martyrology was revised by Clement VIII (Pope from 1592 to 1605), his name was dropped from the calendar on the advice of his confessor, Cardinal Baronius. Pope Benedict XIV in 1748 maintained his predecessor's decision on the grounds that Clement’s life was little-known; that he had never obtained public cultus in the Church; and that some of his doctrines were, if not erroneous, at least highly suspect.

"ERRONEOUS--HIGHLY SUSPECT," they certainly got that right, but by then the false teaching of the so-called virgin birth had become firmly established in the minds of the gullible.

Have your teachers deceived you into believing that the man Jesus was born without human male semen having been introduced into the uterus of his? mother.
The Anointed
Sat 15 Oct, 2022 09:16 pm
@The Anointed,
Continued from previous post.

In the genealogy of Joseph ben Jacob, who married the already pregnant Mary, and who did not consummate that union until after she had given birth to her firstborn son, which genealogy is recorded in Matthew, five righteous women are mentioned: Tamar, who played the prostitute and seduced Judah, her father-in law into having sex with her, by which union she conceived and later bore his twin sons, Perez and Zerah.

Then there is Rahab the madam of a whore house in Jericho, who saved the Israelite spies and who later married Salmon and bore his son ‘Boaz.’

The third is Ruth, who with sexual cunning deceived Boaz into marrying her, to whom she bore ‘Obed.’

The fourth is Bathsheba, who committed adultery with King David, who had her husband ‘Uriah’ killed, and she was the mother of Solomon, of whom the Lord said; “He shall be my son and I shall be his Father and it is he who shall build my temple for me.” [See 2nd Samuel 7: 14. and 1st Chronicles 17: 13.] Solomon was then blessed with the rulership of the most glorious period of Israel’s history.

And last of all is Mary who united with her half-brother Joseph the son of Alexander Helios to conceive and bear Jesus, the promised Messiah.

The actions of these women were committed in the shadows beneath the wings of the Lord of Spirits, who has declared these women to have acted in righteousness.

Jesus was born according to the power/workings of the Holy Spirit, as was Isaac, who was born to Sarah the half-sister to Abraham.

Galatians 4: 29; At that time, the child born according to the flesh [Ishmael] despised and persecuted him, [Isaac] who was born according to God’s promise and the workings of the Holy Spirit.

Isaac, who is the prototype of Jesus, was born of a brother/sister relationship and born of God’s promise according to the power/workings of the Holy Spirit, and Isaac was the biological son of Abraham and his half-sister Sarah, who were both sired by Terah: just as Jesus, who was born of God’s promise according to the power of the Holy Spirit, was the biological son of Joseph and his half-sister Mary, who were both sired by Alexander Helios.

Isaac, was offered up as a sacrifice by his father on the same mountain that Jesus, who had been chosen as the heir to our Fathers throne, was offered up. But both lived on, as God had prepared a replacement sacrifice for them.

The replacement for Isaac, was a sheep, the replacement for Jesus, was the one year old unblemished lamb of God, [Enoch] who, at the age of 365, the number of days in a calendar year, was taken to the throne of the Most High in the creation and anointed as his successor, to serve God before the body of Adam/mankind into all eternity.

Just as Isaac the promised seed of Abraham was born through the union of Abraham and his half-sister Sarah according to the workings of the Holy Spirit, so too, the man Jesus, the reality of God’s promise to Abraham, was born according to the workings of the Holy Spirit and born of the union of Mary and her half-brother Joseph, who were both sired by Heli=Alexander Helios.
Sun 16 Oct, 2022 03:21 pm
@The Anointed,
Gods inspired bible writers said truth.
Sun 16 Oct, 2022 09:38 pm
@The Anointed,
you write like an Officer cleric of one of the Fundamentalist Christian "Serpent Handler" sects.
The Anointed
Sun 16 Oct, 2022 10:55 pm
you write like an Officer cleric of one of the Fundamentalist Christian "Serpent Handler" sects.

Well, who would have thunk that?
0 Replies
The Anointed
Mon 17 Oct, 2022 04:58 pm
Gods inspired bible writers said truth.

I Assume your bible is The New World Translation, which is untruthful in Exodus 12: 4o; when saying, "And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt was 430 years etc." Whereas the Israelites were only in Egypt for 215 years.

Do you realise how many untruths are found in that and many other bibles?
Tue 18 Oct, 2022 04:53 pm
@The Anointed,
And who proved that truth you say is error?
The Anointed
Wed 19 Oct, 2022 11:02 pm
And who proved that truth you say is error?

it was Paul who proved that the statement that the Israelites had been in the land of Egypt for 430 years was untruthful.

In Galatians 3: 17; Paul says; “What I mean, is that God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to keep it. The Law that was given four hundred and thirty years later, (That is 430 years after God’s covenant/promise with Abraham) cannot break and cancel God’s promise.”

“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and your descendants will inherit that land,” this was the first covenant/promise that God made with Abraham.

The Roman OT, and the English Hebrew bible, both state in Exodus 12: 40; that the children of Israel were in the actual land of Egypt for 430 years to the day, Whereas the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible by 70 Jews in Alexandria some 300 years B C E, from which translation Jesus and his apostles taught, in Exodus 12: 40 reveals that the sojourning of the children of Israel, while they sojourned in THE LAND OF EGYPT AND THE LAND OF CANAAN, was 430 years.

And it came to pass, after the 430 years, all the forces of the Lord came out of the land of Egypt by night.

From the Encarta encyclopedia: “Hyksos,” Semitic invaders who conquered Egypt in the early part of the 17th century BC and founded the 15th Dynasty. Sweeping south into Egypt, probably from Palestine and Syria, they and their nomadic followers captured Memphis and exacted tribute from the rest of the country. They established a stronghold at Avaris (possibly the later Tanis), on the northeastern border of the Nile delta, but left the territory above Memphis under the rule of tributary princes of the old nobility. These vassals started the nationalistic revolt that finally, under Ahmose I (reigned 1570-1546 BC), founder of the 18th Dynasty, drove out the foreign rulers.”

Paul was a student of Gamaliel one of the greatest Jewish teachers of those days, and if we accept Paul’s statement, that there was a period of 430 years between the time that God promised to Abraham, all the land that was occupied by the descendants of Canaan, and the exodus, then we must conclude that the children of Israel were only in Egypt for 215 years.

Abraham, who had entered Canaan at the age of 75, 25 years later when he was 100 sired Isaac, who was 60 when his son Jacob was born, and Jacob was 130 when he was reunited with his son Joseph in the land of Egypt. 25+60+130=215.

So, we see that there was a period of 215 years between God’s promise to Abraham and the entry of the family of Israel into Egypt, where they dwelt for 215 years before departing 430 years after the covenant/promise was first made with Abraham.

Although it is said in Exodus 12: 40; that the Israelites had lived in Egypt for 430 years, in Galatians 3: 17; Paul makes it quite clear that they were in the land of Egypt for only 215 years. See Gal 3: 17; which states, “God made a covenant/promise with Abraham and promised to keep it. The Law that was given [through Moses] 430 years later, cannot break that covenant and cancel God’s promise.” Plus, the Greek Septuagint and the Samaritan bible, have Abraham and his descendants sojourning in the land ‘of Canaan and Egypt’ for 430 years.

This is why your chronology is some two hundred years out, your blind spiritual guides have Abraham and his descendants living in the land of Canaan for 215 years and then in Egypt for another 430 years, 645 years in total, when in fact they only lived in the land of Both Canaan and Egypt for 430 years.
Thu 20 Oct, 2022 02:35 pm
@The Anointed,
God inspired his words written in the bible. Few errors have occurred, mostly trying to fit false council teaching of Jesus being God.
The Anointed
Tue 13 Dec, 2022 07:06 pm
God inspired his words written in the bible. Few errors have occurred, mostly trying to fit false council teaching of Jesus being God.

And one of the many errors that has occurred in most English translated bibles including the Jehovah Witnesses "NEW WORLD TRANSLATION' Is found in Exodus 12: 40; where it is erroneously written; "And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years."

Whereas the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible by 70 Jews in Alexandria some 300 years B C E, from which translation Jesus and his apostles taught, in Exodus 12: 40 reveals that the sojourning of the children of Israel, while they sojourned in THE LAND OF EGYPT AND THE LAND OF CANAAN, was 430 years.

The Septuagint 12: 40; And the sojourning of the children of
Israel, while they sojourned in the land of Egypt and the land of Chanaan, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass after the four hundred and thirty years, all the forces of the Lord came forth out of the land of Egypt by night.
The Anointed
Sun 10 Nov, 2024 10:17 pm
@The Anointed,
From the Encarta encyclopedia: “Hyksos,” Semitic invaders who conquered Egypt in the early part of the 17th century BC and founded the 15th Dynasty. Sweeping south into Egypt, probably from Palestine and Syria, they and their nomadic followers captured Memphis and exacted tribute from the rest of the country. They established a stronghold at Avaris (possibly the later Tanis), on the northeastern border of the Nile delta, but left the territory above Memphis under the rule of tributary princes of the old nobility.

These vassals started the nationalistic revolt that finally, under Ahmose I (reigned 1570-1546 BC), founder of the 18th Dynasty, drove out the foreign rulers.”

Although it is said in Exodus 12: 40; that the Israelites had lived in Egypt for 430 years, in Galatians 3: 17; Paul makes it quite clear that they were in the land of Egypt for only 215 years. See Gal 3: 17; which states, “God made a covenant/promise with Abraham and promised to keep it. The Law that was given [through Moses] 430 years later, cannot break that covenant and cancel God’s promise.”

Plus, the Greek Septuagint and the Samaritan bible, have Abraham and his descendants sojourning in the land ‘of Canaan and Egypt’ for 430 years.

Paul was a student of Gamaliel one of the greatest Jewish teachers of those days, and if we accept Paul’s statement, that there was a period of 430 years between the time that God promised to Abraham, all the land that was occupied by the descendants of Canaan, and the exodus, then we must conclude that the children of Israel were only in Egypt for 215 years.

Abraham, who had entered Canaan at the age of 75, 25 years later when he was 100 sired Isaac, who was 60 when his son Jacob was born, and Jacob was 130 when he was reunited with his son Joseph in the land of Egypt. 25+60+130=215. So, we see that there was a period of 215 years between God’s promise to Abraham and the entry of the family of Israel into Egypt, where they dwelt for 215 years before departing 430 years after the covenant/promise was first made with Abraham.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Dec, 2024 07:49 am
I think in that instance a day = a period of time.
The bible says 1000 years is as a day to God.

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