I realise that you are avoiding the question, for to confront it you would be forced to admit that there is only the eternal energy that has become all that exists and is the collective consciousness of all the lifeforms that it, the eternal energy has become.
Although today, we have absolute proof that black Holes do exist, much information regarding them remains to be gathered, which future information will hopefully open many windows to shine light on this subject of Black Holes, wormholes, also called Einstein-Rosen bridges and White Holes.
Our Milky Way galaxy is said to be anchored in space by a super Black hole, which has a mass of some three to four million suns, and if you think that’s a big black hole, consider this; “In December of 2019, astronomers announced the discovery of one of the biggest black holes ever measured in the nearby universe. That black hole is at the center of an elliptical galaxy in galaxy cluster Abel 85, and has been calculated to be 40 billion times the mass of our sun, which is equivalent to two-thirds the mass of the 100-billion stars in the Milky Way and is roughly the size of our entire solar system.”
Our Milky Way and the nearby Andromeda Galaxy, which are two spiral galaxies are on a collision course, and when these two spiral galaxies collide, they can merge and form an elliptical galaxy, which elliptical galaxies can collide and merge again to form an even larger elliptical galaxy. The central Black holes of those elliptical galaxies also merge and combine to make one massive Black Hole, and those Massive galaxies, which are called ‘core galaxies’ are believed to be the main attractive force at the center of galactic clusters, which clusters are being attracted to a super Duper gravitational anomaly within the Shapley Super Cluster, which is the largest concentration of galaxies in our nearby universe that forms a gravitational anomaly that is pulling itself together instead of expanding with the universe.
It is believed that pairs of spiral galaxies form elliptical galaxies, pairs of those elliptical galaxies form cored elliptical galaxies, and a pair of cored galaxies formed Holmberg 15A, and that this series of mergers also created the ultra-massive black hole in its center, a monster nearly as big as our solar system with the mass of around 40 billion suns.
When will this process end? Will there eventually end up being only one super galaxy orbiting an immeasurable monstrous Black Hole wherein the centre of which, will be crushed all our known universe into the singularity from which our universe began, where the volume of space is zero and its density is infinite? Are we looking at an eternal oscillating universe?
Our Milky Way is approximately 100,000 light-years across, or 950,000 trillion km. Our solar system is located about 2/3 of the way out from the Black Hole at the Center of our Milky Way galaxy, which is 26,000 light years, or 146,000 trillion km away from the central Black Hole that anchors our Galaxy in space.
When we look to the edge of our galaxy, we see the spiral arm as a milky like stream across the sky, from which our galaxy received its name, ’The Milky Way.’
From the position of our solar system which is just on the inner edge of this spiral arm, we can, not only look toward the outer edge of the galaxy, we can also look in the other direction, toward the center, where the Central Black Hole should be, looking in this direction, one would naturally expect to be able to see the center of the galaxy, which is located in the constellation of Sagittarius. But unfortunately, we cannot see it.
The Galactic Center is hidden from us behind vast clouds of dark gas that telescopes operating in visible light cannot see through. It is only in recent decades that astronomers have been able to pierce that dusty fog with infrared telescopes to reveal what, throughout human history, has been concealed. With these new additions to astronomers’ arsenal of instruments, the study of around 100 stars at the galactic center revealed that those giant clouds of dark dust were hiding a monster: a black hole, designated Sagittarius A*, with a mass four million times the mass of our sun, and astronomers have concluded that Sagittarius A* is the Milky Way's central supermassive black hole.
And just as a point of interest, our sun, the centre of our solar system, traveling at the speed of 220 kilometers per second, orbits the central black hole of our galaxy, once every 230 million years, which is one galactic year.
Around the Super Black Hole at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy, orbits many other black holes, which were created from the collapse of Gigantic stars that had formed in the galaxy, or which were once at the centre of other lesser galactic bodies that have merged with ours. There are perhaps twenty small galaxies that orbit the Milky Way, like moths around a flame.
The larger Magellanic Cloud (Nebecula Major) and the smaller Magellanic Cloud (Nebecula Minor) are two galaxies that are orbiting our Milky Way galaxy which orbits the central Super Black Hole to which those Magellanic Clouds are being gathered and will one day merge with our galaxy.
The earlier explanations as to a mysterious stream of Gas, which appeared to stretch from them to our galaxy, was the result of gravitational interaction between the two Magellanic clouds, and so, was thought to be coming from them. But researchers from the Leibniz institute for Astrophysics in Germany, taking into account, the best understanding of the diffuse hot Gas that our Milky Way, [Its Corona], couldn’t get that stream of Gas to form, so they came to the conclusion that they simply don’t understand the Milky way’s corona very well. But another possible explanation put forward by them, is that, rather than originating from the Magellanic Clouds, that stream of Gas could be coming from a different Galaxy altogether, which is being devoured, as it plunges into our Milky Way.
Only recently in 2020, scientists witnessed two events ten days apart, of Black Holes devouring neutron stars.
The Super Black Hole at the centre of our being will continue to grow as it devours the other lesser black Holes, dying stars, and planets within this galaxy. And yet our galaxy is but one of billions of galaxies that are falling in toward the super gravitational anomaly that is called the ‘Great Attractor’.
And even that which is called the ‘Great Attractor’ is flowing toward the Shapley Supercluster? Is there something at the core of the ever-growing Shapley Supercluster that is pulling all the galaxies in our particular section of this boundless cosmos to itself?
Or is it simply the gravitational attraction of the galaxies to each other that has caused the Shapley concentration to grow to the size it is today and continues to grow, as the other galactic clusters in our region are being gathered to it, while the more distant clusters appear to be accelerating away?
Enoch, from a previous age of man that was destroyed by water, is the only man recorded in the Scriptures to have been carried to the throne of the Most High in the creation, and was anointed as his successor, who was then escorted to the ends of time, where he witnessed the universe burn up and fall as massive columns of fire, beyond all measure in height and depth into the GREAT ABYSS, (Black Hole) which is described by Enoch, as the prison of all the stars and the host of heaven, (The entire universe) beyond which, there was nothing. It was from the words of righteous Enoch and not the Hebrew or Christians bibles, from where Peter received the information as revealed in 2 Peter 3: 10; that the day of the lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will disappear with a shrill noise, and the heavenly bodies will burn up and be destroyed, and the earth and everything in it will vanish.
It is believed that the galaxies are gathered together by their own gravitational attraction and will one day become so condensed and concentrated that they too will begin to devour each other until only one remains. Then the elements within that super massive body of unapproachable light, will become extremely excited, and will burn, and roll up as a scroll with a great hissing noise as it spirals into the centrally condensed system, from which nothing, absolutely nothing can escape from the entrance in which it descended, where that energised body will be torn to pieces molecule by molecule, atom by atom, sub-atomic particle by sub-atomic particle, and re-converted into the photons from which they were created, and in my opinion, accelerated along the dark worm hole, or Einstein Rosen bridge, to speeds far, far in excess of the speed of light, where that most infinitely dense, infinitely hot, infinitesimally small singularity trapped at the end of the worm hole, is spatially separated and the infinitely hot super lubricant liquid-like Electromagnetic energy, is spewed out of a WHITE HOLE (A tear in the membrane of space time) in the trillions upon trillions of degrees, somewhere far beyond the visible horizon of the boundless cosmos, where, from the cooling quantum of that electromagnetic energy, that universe is resurrected, and the light from its new position in space-time, far beyond the visible cosmic horizon, would never be able to reach its old position in Space-Time.