Montana wrote:Chumly wrote:I'm spoiled, Vancouver has tons of good to high-quality interesting restaurants that are quite fairly priced.
It's one of the very few "benefits" of the insanely massive immigration of the last 30 years.
Can't comment on cupcakes, except to say they are a popular euphemism for perky breasts. Now if gusta is saying that perky breasts are like eating an old sock, that is a sad state of affairs for him indeed.
Can you send a few of those restaurants over this way Chumly? The restaurants here suck the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They only come in round lots of 10,000 restaurants / 50,000 immigrants at a time, with all the attendant pollution, overcrowding, environmental degradation, traffic jams, noise, etc that go with it.
Hey cupcake, are you sure that cheap tasty restaurant food is worth the ruination of your peaceful rural lifestyle?