owi wrote:omsigdavid, I don't know where you live but where i live it's the job of the police to protect me.
Up to now this has worked quite well.
Nobody has ever shot at me or a family member.
btw. you don't really believe that all the criminals will build their own guns if they cannot buy them legally?
1. Tell me where u live so I can move to a place that has no crime
because its "the job" of police to protect u quite well. I accept your
implication that they DO their job, thereby avoiding all crime.
(Presumably, its also their job to protect your fellow citizens.)
2. Well, they shot at me.
3. <<btw. you don't really believe
that all the criminals will build their own guns if they cannot buy them legally?>>
Y wud they NOT ?? They even do it secretly, IN PRISON.
Even to a fully operational submachinegun,
one part at a time, with the guards around.
The accumulated knowledge of the gunsmith is not secret;
it is among the world's freely available engineering data.
Crime comes from bad people, not their tools.
The repressionists want to remove guns, saying they are sometimes used to facilitate crime.
They fail to understand that the actual weapon is the HUMAN MIND, whose cleverness has not
been controlled nor restrained (even in prison).
This mind expresses itself perseveringly, into the manifestation of its felt needs or desires,
and it has FOREVER to do the job that it selects (e.g., the art of the gunsmith/merchant). Prohibition is FUTILE.