Re: Translation
lopezsl wrote:Hi - me again
Would the phrase "Amor saecula saeculorum" Convey the love w/o end?
It is for my children/family and I am getting it tattooed along my spine. I know there are several ways to translate love and want to make sure it is correct not only because it is going to be incredibly painful, but also there forever!!
Thanks again for your help - have a good day!!
Hi, You Again.
Since the "love" you refer to is of the "children/family" rather than
the "romantic/erotic" variety, you should use "Caritas" rather than "Amor."
Also, put "in" before "saecula saeculorum."
Caritas in saecula saeculorum
As for pronunciation, there is the Classical, which recreates the way the
ancient Romans spoke, and the Ecclesiastical, which is the pronunciation
which came into use in the Middle Ages and is the way Latin is
pronounced in the Church. Because of how I learned Latin, I am only
comfortable with the Ecclesiastical. That pronunciation would be:
KAHReetahs in SAYkoola saykooLORoom
One final note. Since this is for a tattoo, PLEASE have someone else
review it. I'm not a professional Latin scholar, just a guy who does this
for fun.