Very interesting. Thanks Nimh.
Gun Control- I hit Mitt Romney between the eyes in the dead center.
Environment- Top left corner of the top left corner. Edwards, then Hill
and that's it.
Iraq- Just above Rudy and Huck, bottom middle
Economy- Somehow I hit Hill in the eye on the Left
Income- Right on the Right with the Right-McCain.
National Security- Between Romney and Huck. Center of lower Right quad.
Family- Stuck Obama right between the eyes. Social liberalism
Immigration- Over even Richardson's head, followed by Hill and Edwards with no Obama present. Huh?
Health Care-
Just left of center (no single payer solution, so this one's off) Strangely; Obama, Hillary are no nearer than paul and McCain
then Rudy
but there's no Edwards present? Very strange. I wonder if sometimes they don't get stuck under the others.
Law and Order- Bill Richardson with Huckabee nearby Left and Low
Education- Hit Obama right between the eyes at Social liberalism.-Progressive-slightly Right.
Terrorism- Right in the Center of all the Republicans, half way to Social conservatism-traditional.
Score 4 kill shots. 2-Obama, 1-Romney, 1-Clinton.
So, I lean a little Right/Conservative, but the Democrats got some heavy issues right. Sounds about right.
Nimh, did you notice who they considered the "Most Progressive Candidate"?