Fri 18 Jan, 2008 08:39 am
Some things my friends and I have said...
"I thought China was an Island?"
"I like it fat"...
I bet you do (referring to bread)
"They're for piercings" (referring to earrings)
Pointing between her legs: "I've a got a hole"
It's supposed to be there, love. (she meant in her trousers, apparently...)
"I'm using it to dry my damp biscuit" (referring to a blow torch)
"I had to have a poo in the library earlier" (nice)
"It's ok, because I had a big dollop" (mash potato)
"Wouldn't it be great if my house had a door?!" (garage)
"I can't stop feeling myself" (she meant I can't stop myself feeling guilty... both are true)
I think Scotland should be in a different time zone, so when we go there we can have a nice hours difference"
Yes, wouldn't that be er, lovely.
"Are you going to bamboo her back?" (text)
Me: "I'm not a 'townie' in it." (in a play)
She: "You're not a townie... "innit"?"
There are more... I forgets... I will be back...
I was working with a Kiwi in a plantationhere in The West Island when it began to rain.
He said jeeze your rain is wet over here.
I just shook my head.
Someone watching me write:
"I feel so sorry for you left handed people, it must be so hard for you to write that way"
In a card shop:
"Do you sell shoe horns?"
In a card shop, at Christmas time:
"Where are the Christmas cards?"
Sitting in a lunchroom with a very straight laced girl, both of us eating Subs from Subway. Apprently referring to the subs, she says "You know, I wish they made these in different sizes, 6 inches isn't enough to fill me up and a 12 inches is too much."
"Don't laugh, it's hilarious"
I'm not quite sure what was meant here, it was in reference to sex museums in Paris anway.
What a cute little horsie.
Captain Irrelevant wrote:What a cute little horsie.
related....during an education about blending milk from different cows....
"The holsteins are big milk producers, they mix in the high fat content milk of those petite jersey cows for flavor.
"Do you know where there's a permanent sundial? Someone told me the world had moved."
"Use the big one, the big one does it better" (worryingly coming from my Dad)
"I could so do anal right now" (Scrabble)