She is doing good. Though seeing that it is the work we week we dont interatct much other then phone or facebook
Sounds pretty good to me, Seed!
really gone.. but had to hug and tell Seed i love him goodnight. x
Dream sweetly G. x
gone and whooooooooooooooooooosh.
Thanku ((((((((MzOlga)))))))))) - happy Thursday to you.x
going to take my embarrassment and go to bed now.
You all have an amazing night/day where every you are in the in time string.
I'm trying to come down from tonight's Olympic high - at least enough to get to sleep - this may take awhile.
I hope that everyone who should be sleeping is having a wonderful restful night - and that the early day folks are feeling as peppy as Keebler elves.
Good night, Seed. (You'll feel better tomorrow.

Night night, Beth.
Morning all! Hope you all have a wonderful day / wonderful night!
Just saying good morning to everyone, as I rush around the place getting ready to rush off to work, early on this Friday morning. It's going to be a scorcher today. Children will be restless!
Have a good evening , afternoon, morning all!
Good morning msolga, hope you have a nice day, despite the heat.
Morning Dahlings
have good days Down Unders
UK on time out... whoosh and gone
Seed - missed ya today. Tsar - nearly weekend.
nite Darling darling Missy - we missed you
eyes closed...
nite. x
Lady Izzie! I do indeed welcome the weekend! Bring it on!
Night Miss England, sleep well.
had a long day. did a lot of reading while waiting at the doctors and hung out with some friends tonight.
head hurts will be going to bed soon
Nice, peaceful night of A2King ..
Playing some old favourites, listening to other music threads, while reading threads. That was good!
Almost 1 am Saturday morning, so time to go.
Night, Letty (that was fun!), night farmer (very interesting reading!)
And night night, Iz, tsar, Beth, Dutchy, Seed ...
(bet I've forgotten someone. I'm a bit tired.)
Bye all!
Morning all, sun is shining brightly, another warm day coming up.
Good morning, Dutchy.
Good morning all.
Just a quick g'day as I rush around in a bit of a disorganized frenzy.
A busy day today. Leafleting this afternoon (for a local group I belong to. We have an important event coming up soon.) at a local street festival. And I've just finished writing a press release for the local paper. Feels more like a work day than a Sunday!
Have a good evening, afternoon, morning where ever you are!
Morning msolga, pleasant day here, so going for a Sunday drive and lunch somewhere.
I suppose it's alright writing press releases as long as you don't press release.