It hath jutht turned half patht eleven and tho I'm off to my thlumberth for a good nightth thleep and hopefully a few thweet dreamth.
Ath you can thee, I have already removed my teeth, and will now go and do my thanitary ablutionth.
I will now take a thecond in order to have a latht thuck on my thigar, after which I will thay goodnight, and thee you tomorrow.
<thuck thuck thuck.....>
I thay, the end hath gone all thlobbery.
Goodnight to you, Ellpus. Sweet dreams.
(Lovely sunny morning here!

1am over here. time to hit the sack. i'd say thack, but my teeth won't budge no matter how hard i try to remove.
which reminds me, there's a slovak poet, lubomir feldek, family friend. he makes bets in pubs that he can bite into his own eye. when he catches someone, he removes his glass eye AND his fake teeth and demonstratively takes a bite. he also likes to roll his glass eye around on the table or drop it in his beer if he had one too many.
night night.
just after 7 pm here, not quite bedtime yet
but perhaps some xbox'ing is in order, hmmmm
i already boxed today. no x, just straight up boxing. now i have a migraine and can't sleep. harrumph.
i've seen the pics of your boxing, that's cool, the migrane, not cool
not coll at all. no. grrrr.
not familiar with the whole migrane thing, what helps, a girl i knew, used cool towels on her forehead and complete silence, darkness and immobility to deal with hers
well, it's not that bad. it's a combination of a workout and walking home long distance in a freezing rain hat-less. serves me right.
ahh, this i can relate too, well not the exercise bit, don't get that at all, i figure once i'm dead nobody's gonna care if i had a sixpack, least of all me
G'night everyone.
I'm hitting the pit.
well, good morning by now, ellpus.
me i'm off to bed. 3am. i got over the jetlag somewhat too quickly and am back to my usual messed up schedule.
Goodnight Dag. Sleep well.
Night night, dag.
Night night, Ellpus.
Sleep well.
Sweet dreams.
(I just signed in. Early evening here.)
msolga wrote:Night night, dag.
Night night, Ellpus.
Sleep well.
Sweet dreams.
(I just signed in. Early evening here.)
I don't hope, Lord Ellpus will go back to bed again - early morning in Albion's land :wink:
Well, Walter, he was saying good night to dag so I said good night right back! To both of them. Am I supposed to know what time it is everywhere in the world, this very minute? :wink:
It's OK, msolga, Dag and I take it in turns who gets the bed.
She wanted to sleep, so I had to get up. She'll be calling me back in a minute but I won't go, as I have my honour to think of.
in your dreams, ellpus, in your dreams.
i know. WHY can i not go to bed at a normal hour like most of the rest of the mortals, the normal ones?