Re: Do these Italian words make sense to you?
fansy wrote:Dear Raphillon,
The following 4 sets of Italian words are meant to describe 4 different pieces of music. Do they mean anything to you? They should be used to describe the artistic impression left on the audience or the artistic effect produced by the pieces of music.
1. Allegramente, ispirazione, and tempo in Marcia.
2. Primordiale, semplice, and sincero
3. Burlesco, piroetta, inspirato, and comico
4. Delicatamente, ampio, variopinto, and pomposo
I would say...
1. Allegro, ispirato, e tempo di marcia (or allegria, ispirazione e tempo di marcia)
2. Primordiale, semplice e sincero
3. Burlesco, piroettante e comico
4. Delicato, ampio, variopinto e pomposo.
About Nr 4 I find difficoult to associate "delicato" to the other adjective.... "Delicato" means soft and fragile...