littlek wrote:
Then I through out the idea of bloating in women. Where is the water we are being bloated with stored? It surely isn't stored in the uterus, but somewhere nearby. She suggested the bladder (nooooo). In the flesh of the abdomen?
Does anyone know where it is stored?
Not quite sure what your asking, but I'll try to approach this.
When a person is bloated, it's not coming from any one area of the body/organ where fluids have been stored. Fluid coming into the body via drink and food is not, temporarily in the case of a healthy person, able to be processed by the body in the form of sweat or urine.
The extra fluid is just in the blood stream and in the tissues.
That's why someone w/ kidney failure gets dialysis. The dialysis process cleanses the blood and extracts 2 or 3 kg of fluid (sometimes a lot more).
Also, that's why people with high blood pressure sometimes get diuretics. Soon after starting to take them you'd notice going to the bathroom a lot more, and swelling all over will go down.
Of course, there's many common foods and drinks that are diuretic as well.