luckydriver wrote:ok here's the story. is .5 hardness now and i have 200 gallons to go before recharge so the water is still soft from the weekend charge (650 setting). He said some hardness does get thru sometimes. Do you guys agree with that? I made him test on bypass and i had my 24 grains there.
It's just me Lucky, I doubt anyone else will be helping you, the other 'residents' here don't know enough about this stuff.
Your water is not soft IMO; 0 gpg. No I do not agree with him and if you had a car that wouldn't start every time you plopped yer butt in the seat and turned the key, would you consider it right or remotely OK?
Your softener should always give you 0 gpg soft water IMO. Isn't that what you expected and thought you were buying? And how does it feel to be told "some hardness does get thru sometimes."?
luckydriver wrote:He said it must be PH that made me lose the 'soapy ' feeling i like and used to have. My ph is 7.1 and i guess 7 is neutral. He told me that the PH must have decreased from the township changing wells.
That's what we call BS, or an excuse for the PC among us.
luckydriver wrote:no service charge and he offered to walk thru the entire softening process so i got a good lesson. It's set at 6lbs and 650 gallon. He said i have 32K capacity so if the water gets harder up to about 32ish i would still have a good unit. He says they build in a little reserve so in theory the last day i may not have as soft water with occasional heavy use. But most of the time i should. He told me he could up the salt usage to 10 or so and then have 10 lbs of salt be used per regeneration but he said the 6 lbs at 650 gallons was more efficient.
Now THAT is A LOT of BS!! At 6 lbs you have at best 20k. You need 15lbs to get the max 30k out of a 1.0 cuft with regular mesh resin. The reserve... you get 20k with 6 lbs but... 650*24=15+k so his reserve is the 20000-15xxx. Or, we could go 650/120=5 days between regens but here we are with 200 gals, about another 2 days (at 120 glas/day for two people) before it regenerates!!! He didn't explain this properly or you didn't understand correctly. The reserve would be a 24 hr reserve of the daily grains used and subtracted from the max galls at 20K.
luckydriver wrote:so i'm stuck not feeling all soapy but i guess it's soft water still. Just isnt as much lather and hair feels 'squeaky' clean as does skin.
That lack of lather and soapy feel, they say the water is hard. And unless you regenerate sooner or with more salt, it will be like this forever.
BTW, he has a 2.0 gpm DLFC. For a 1.0 cuft, it should be a 1.5 IMO; the 2.0 uses more capacity.
luckydriver wrote:he said at .5 chlorine my resin may only last 5-7 years but it's not worth putting in a chlorine filter.
At 650 gals between regenerations, it should be regenerating about every 5th day @120 gals/day for the two of you BUT, that does not include a 24 hr reserve.
The .5 gpg now with 200 gals remaining says your water isn't 0 gpg (soft) and it will get harder before it regenerates. That .5 gpg is why you have lost the 'feeling' of soft water on your skin and hair.
You insisted that a family of two can't overrun 9 gpm. That depends on what fixtures you use but, you have hard water and the pH has nothing to do with the softener allowing hard water through it!! If the hardness gpm goes over 24 gpm, that will, but so does a peak demand higher than 9 gpm.
I would have told you a 1.5 cuft softener. The difference between 1.0 and a 1.5 in my prices is a great big $66. And you would have soft water for all of 8 days between regenerations even if you used up to 12 gpm and you'd be using less salt AND water than you are now before 'fixing' the problem with your new softener allowing hard water in just 4-5 days (Sun-Fri). And who was it that told you to buy a 5600 or other model Fleck that does not have variable reserve? And was it the same guy or guys that said you should buy locally because I don't know what I'm doing and you can't look me, drop shipper, doesn't service or install and you can't look me in the eye etc. etc.? And wouldn't you call this "Service after the sale" even though I didn't sell you the softener... I didn't sell Zozzie his softener either and I've helped him too.
Any other questions etc. just ask.
You should do two manual regens back to back at 15 lbs each.
Gary Slusser
The internet water softener and well pump goto guy since Jan 1997.