Wed 2 Jan, 2008 05:01 pm
You know, i used to complain all the time about the Hitler was a genius threads, all the Nazi obsessed threads . . . but truth to tell, now that we've gone for so long without 'em, i kind of miss 'em . . . i yearn to pour scorn upon the devoted, skin-head pates of the goose-stepping idiot children.
Say, can i get a sieg heil over here?
Would someone please invade a militarily inept, but resource-rich eastern European country for me . . . just for old time's sake?
Come on, everybody . . . help me out here!
[pouting]Spoilsport . . .[/pouting]
Hope Bush doesn't see this thread. We don't want to give him any fresh ideas. :wink: :wink: :wink: Only kidding
We heil
We heil
You know where.
What? Are you tired of pouring scorn in the S&R threads?
Intrepid wrote:What? Are you tired of pouring scorn in the S&R threads?
I just consider that light entertainment on the side . . . i want some real, meaty opportunities to heap scorn . . .
Spring time for Hitler
And Germany ! ! !
Winter for Poland and France . . .
Don't be dumb, be a schmarty
Come and join the Nazi party ! ! !
But, Setanta. He was so cute in Mel Brooks' The Producers.
Where have all the Nazis gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the Nazis gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the Nazis gone?
Gone to stormfront every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
--- With my sincerest apologies to Pete Seeger ---
sure hope i'm not breaking any a2k or other rules/taboos !
Quote:Der Fuehrer's Face
Spike Jones and the City Slickers
When Der Fuehrer says, "We ist der master race"
We HEIL! HEIL! Right in Der Fuehrer's face
Not to love Der Fuehrer is a great disgrace
So we HEIL! HEIL! Right in Der Fuehrer's face
When Herr Gobbels says, "We own der world und space"
We HEIL! HEIL! Right in Herr Goring's face
When Herr Goring says they'll never bomb this place
We HEIL! HEIL! Right in Herr Goring's face
Are we not the supermen
Aryan pure supermen
Ja we ist der supermen
Super-duper supermen
Ist this Nutzi land not good?
Would you leave it if you could?
Ja this Nutzi land is good!
Vee would leave it if we could
We bring the world to order
Heil Hitler's world New Order
Everyone of foreign race will love Der Fuehrer's face
When we bring to der world disorder
When Der Fuehrer says, "We ist der master race"
We HEIL! HEIL! Right in Der Fuehrer's face
When Der Fuehrer says, "We ist der master race"
We HEIL! HEIL! Right in Der Fuhrer's face

Ain't heard Spike in a while, Hbg
rockhead wrote :
Quote:Ain't heard Spike in a while, Hbg
i've got three of his cd's plus a tape - our library also has one of his video tapes - never a shortage of spike's merymakers here

Quote:That old black magic has me in its spell
The old black magic that you weave so well.
Those icy fingers up and down my spine.
That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine.
That same old tingle that I feel inside
And then that elevator starts its ride.
Down and down I go.
Round and round I go.
Like a leaf that's caught in the tide.
I stay away. Oh what can I do?
I hear your name and I'm aflame.
A flame with such a burning desire
That only your kiss can put out the fire.
For you're the lover I've been waiting for.
The mate that fate had me created for.
And every time your lips meet mine
Darling down and down I go.
Round and round I go.
In a spin, loving the spin I'm in,
Under that old black magic called love.
you'll have to supply the (in)appropriate noises yourself !
One of my favorite Goofballs in HS did an awesome Spike, noises and all...
if you need a quick fix of spike , go to youtube and enter SPIKE JONES .
i don't seem to be able to link to it ???
Letty wrote:But, Setanta. He was so cute in Mel Brooks' The Producers.

Isn't that special ? ! ? ! ?
I had to post that again, Miss Lettybettyhettygetty, that's priceless . . .