Is the Bible Reliable? Science and Scripture

Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 02:42 pm
Setanta wrote:
Actually, and this is a significant point, i say that you are fond of alleging that a strawman argument has been advanced against you, but unable to prove the case...

Like you've proven the emphasized assertion above - and below?

Setanta wrote:
Not much of a quibble to say that you didn't use it 65 times, and only used it 58 times. Of course, now i'm sure that you'll dance around saying that you were just quoting someone else. You haven't provided any data, though, on how often you are quoting someone else, and how often you were alleging it against others.

The point, which you are avoiding, is that you allege this logical fallacy against people when it is not true. Now it appears that BD is attempting to copy his hero, "real life," and he has today alleged that a strawman argument was used against him, but has provided no example thereof.

Like two peas in a pod.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 02:43 pm
That's rich, coming from the whiner who wants to discuss what is is, rather than providing the evidence he claims he has.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 02:49 pm
Setanta wrote:
That's rich, coming from the whiner who wants to discuss what is is, rather than providing the evidence he claims he has.

The evidence you speak of is still there. Still waiting for yours though.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 03:26 pm
If any evidence is there, it is a simple matter for you to provide it, either a link to the evidence at one of your goofy bible-thumper web sites, or a link to an existing post.

Furthermore, if you allege that "the evidence speak of is still there," you must have a functional definition of evidence which you have already decided upon (although there is no good reason to assume that it is a working, consensual definition). That being the case, it becomes embarrassingly clear that you are just playing a stupid word game--and i suspect that is because you can't in fact provide any evidence that the Bobble is a source of scientific knowledge.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 03:37 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Ros:One answer to your assertion; ...And the scientific community doesn't take an antagonistic stance against religion..., is provided by ehbeth's link to the NY Times article.

there isn't one answer - there is however a debate

from that lovely article

Their belief in God challenges scientists who regard religious belief as little more than magical thinking, as some do. Their faith also challenges believers who denounce science as a godless enterprise and scientists as secular elitists contemptuous of God-fearing people.

Dr. Collins, who is working on a book about his religious faith, also believes that people should not have to keep religious beliefs and scientific theories strictly separate. "I don't find it very satisfactory and I don't find it very necessary," he said in an interview. He noted that until relatively recently, most scientists were believers. "Isaac Newton wrote a lot more about the Bible than the laws of nature," he said.

According to a much-discussed survey reported in the journal Nature in 1997, 40 percent of biologists, physicists and mathematicians said they believed in God - and not just a nonspecific transcendental presence but, as the survey put it, a God to whom one may pray "in expectation of receiving an answer."

Kenneth R. Miller, a biology professor at Brown, said his students were often surprised to find that he was religious, especially when they realized that his faith was not some sort of vague theism but observant Roman Catholicism.

Dr. Miller, whose book, "Finding Darwin's God," explains his reconciliation of the theory of evolution with his religious faith, said he was usually challenged in his biology classes by one or two students whose religions did not accept evolution, who asked how important the theory would be in the course.

"What they are really asking me is "do I have to believe in this stuff to get an A?,' " he said. He says he tells them that "belief is never an issue in science."

"I don't care if you believe in the Krebs cycle," he said, referring to the process by which energy is utilized in the cell. "I just want you to know what it is and how it works. My feeling about evolution is the same thing."
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 03:49 pm
Setanta wrote:
(although there is no good reason to assume that it is a working, consensual definition)...

Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about here - as shown by your inability to provide an equitable definition.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 03:52 pm
I don't have to provide a definition. You have claimed you have evidence--therefore, you must have a definition of evidence already. There is no need for me to provide you one.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 04:04 pm
Setanta wrote:
I don't have to provide a definition. You have claimed you have evidence--therefore, you must have a definition of evidence already. There is no need for me to provide you one.

Actually you don't provide one because you cannot. It became clear early on that your need for the safety net thought process of; 'science doesn't agree with your definition no matter what...' is very strong. Stronger than an invitation to use your creativity and scientific knowledge to provide an equitable definition of a single word. RL caught onto this stranglehold of yours early on and completely understands it - it took me a little while to do the same.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 04:10 pm
baddog1 wrote:
'science doesn't agree with your definition no matter what it says...'

I have never written anything even remotely resembling that tripe. The definitions of words have nothing to do with "creativity"--language doesn't function for communication unless definitions are agreed upon, or people explain what definition they are attempting to use. You won't provide a definition for evidence, either, so your position is no more credible than you claim mine is. But your position is even less credible, because you claim to have evidence, but won't produce it, and even though politely asked by Maporche, you have not provided what your definition of evidence is.

I can provide a definition of evidence, but there is no reason for me to do so. You have claimed you have evidence (and since it seems you are confusing two different threads, this is the idiotic thread in which you claim the Bobble is "scientifically reliable" scripture), but have not provided it. You made the claim, you have the burden of proof. You have failed to prove anything--and you have even failed to provide any evidence, other than idiot-child copy and paste from a bible-thumper web site, which is hilariously flawed.

You have the burden of proof for your own thesis in your own thread. You have failed to live up to that responsibility. No surprises there.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 04:34 pm
Setanta wrote:
...language doesn't function for communication unless definitions are agreed upon, or people explain what definition they are attempting to use...


Setanta wrote:
You won't provide a definition for evidence, either, so your position is no more credible than you claim mine is...

WRONG. Keep up set. I've provided standard definitions.

Setanta wrote:
I can provide a definition of evidence, but there is no reason for me to do so.

No you cannot.

Setanta wrote:
You have claimed you have evidence (and since it seems you are confusing two different threads, this is the idiotic thread in which you claim the Bobble is "scientifically reliable" scripture), but have not provided it.

Not confused - the issue applies to both.

All done for tonight. Have a good one.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 04:38 pm
Yes, i can provide a definition, but there is no reason for me to do so. This is your thread, it is your claim that the Bobble is a reliable source for scientific information, the burden of proof is on you. You have failed so far, and i have no reason not to believe that you will continue to fail to do so.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:07 pm
The original question posted was "Is the Bible reliable? (as foundation for) science?"---Simple answer= HELL NO.

They occupy different realms .
Having said that though, Im not too impressed with the very bases of threads like this. It implies that "Religion can walk the science side of the street with impunity", when it cannot. Religion is totally unequipped to deal in the realms of deep observation, rigorous proofs, and deconstructed phenomena. I believe that one of the recently introduced metrics, Irreducible Complexity(IC), as a scientifically testable means of "proof" of the handwork of a Universal Intelligent Designer, has, for the most part, blown up in the faces of the authors. So far(and you notice I leave room for heretofore undiscovered IC's) all of the IC's have been further deconstructed and shown to extend back to some of the most simple life forms.

Consequently, the "Bible scientists " (cf Red state update for a detailed explanation of Bible Scientist), have become mostly scam artists, entertainers, and slick preachers who merely verbally assault scientific investigations and ,by doing so, claim some mass credibility by being listed on Google search lists. The game being played now is a cynical one , wherein the Bible SCientists have occupied as many domain names as porn stars, and they flood the net with drivvle that neither provides any understandings of the sciences , nor does it provide any basis for the faithful to "give unto science its due..."

The wall of separation has gotten into the political , and gives a false impression that much of science is arbitrary just because some "Bible SCientist" says so.

Name me one juried
journal of "Bible SCience"

Why does "Answers in Genesis" include appeals for donations?

and the ever popular

"Name One scientific finding or advance that has been based upon a Religious worldview"
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 07:04 pm
Jesus's bolt of lightning parable, the Bishop of Brixen's insights and modern science.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 07:14 pm
Well, here goes according to the GREAT CARSONI

"Name me a SMITER, a MITRE, and a TITER
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 08:36 pm
baddog1 wrote:
I've ignored nothing. 'You' (et al) have provided no evidence of scientific inaccuracy in the Bible simply because 'you' have not provided an equitable definition of evidence. Once 'you' provide this fair definition - we can proceed from there.

As to more of the information from my 1st post - provide the unbiased definition of evidence and we'll revisit it ASAP.

The Bible reflects basic misunderstandings of science, such as Jacob's erroneous notions of heredity, the order of creation in Genesis, the origin of rainbows, storehouses for snow and hail, abodes for darkness and light, stars falling out of the heavens, sprinkling bird blood over people and things to cleanse them of leprosy, making women drink bitter water to determine whether they committed adultery, reviving dead bones, women being turned into pillars of salt, driving demons out of people and into pigs, the entire book of Revelation, and so on.

Your demand for a definition of "evidence" (which you can find in any dictionary and has been provided to you in any case) is merely a ploy to avoid addressing these points, isn't it?
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 09:13 pm
Terry posted a claim by the bible that is easily debunked by science in his post here.


It was ignored by BD and RL.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 09:32 pm
maporsche wrote:
Terry posted a claim by the bible that is easily debunked by science in his post here.


It was ignored by BD and RL.
I suppose you are referring to this statement:
Terry wrote:
It is not a question of choosing in which to "believe" when it is a well-established principle of physics that the earth revolves around the sun. It is quite simply impossible for the universe to revolve around the earth, and to believe that the entire universe came to a screetching halt then started back up a few hours later with no physical aftereffects is ludicrous. The only way anyone can believe in the inerrancy of the Bible is to close their eyes to the Truth in favor of ancient superstition and comforting lies.
You make an assumption about time that may not be in harmony with the the Creator's view of time. I've posted several times that our perception of space and time is simply that - a perception
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 10:03 pm
neologist wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Terry posted a claim by the bible that is easily debunked by science in his post here.


It was ignored by BD and RL.
I suppose you are referring to this statement:
Terry wrote:
It is not a question of choosing in which to "believe" when it is a well-established principle of physics that the earth revolves around the sun. It is quite simply impossible for the universe to revolve around the earth, and to believe that the entire universe came to a screetching halt then started back up a few hours later with no physical aftereffects is ludicrous. The only way anyone can believe in the inerrancy of the Bible is to close their eyes to the Truth in favor of ancient superstition and comforting lies.
You make an assumption about time that may not be in harmony with the the Creator's view of time. I've posted several times that our perception of space and time is simply that - a perception

You know Neo...I can somewhat see your point when considering the 7 day creation of the universe (maybe 1%)....but if you're claiming that god changed the definition of a day long AFTER his creation of the universe, I really think you're grasping at straws. The bible says that the sun stood still, STOOD STILL. Tt claims that the sun revolves around the earth (which we know is false).
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 10:46 pm
maporsche wrote:
. . . The bible says that the sun stood still, STOOD STILL. Tt claims that the sun revolves around the earth (which we know is false).
Joshua recorded things as he saw them. But where does it say the sun revolves around the earth?

I mean, other than references which we use when describing what appears from our point of reference.

Ever sit with your honey and watch a sunset? You know it is not the sun which is setting, right?
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 11:02 pm
neologist wrote:
maporsche wrote:
. . . The bible says that the sun stood still, STOOD STILL. Tt claims that the sun revolves around the earth (which we know is false).
Joshua recorded things as he saw them. But where does it say the sun revolves around the earth?

I mean, other than references which we use when describing what appears from our point of reference.

Ever sit with your honey and watch a sunset? You know it is not the sun which is setting, right?

So you are claiming that when the bible says that the sun stood still for about a day (from Joshua's perspective, since he wrote the book), that god meant a figurative day he stopped time or what?

Oh, one of those 'figurative' sections [referring to your quote] again right? I get it.

I wonder if this verse was used against Copernicus when he claimed that the Sun was the center of the solar system. If so, it was obviously misread during those times....how do we not know we are misreading other verses?

And then there are the modern geocentrism groups

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