Baddog1, re Chapter 6 on Abiogenesis, the first cell was nowhere near as complex as current ones which have had billions of years in which to evolve.
1. It is a lie to say that the fossil record indicates stasis. Of course there are gaps in some lineages, but a lot have been filled in the 30 years since Smith gave his lecture. How do you explain the progression of species indicated by the millions of fossils we DO have?
2. The big bang does not indicate a creator, nor does it require intelligence to fine-tune anything. Life evolved to fit the existing conditions on earth, and evolved further each time those conditions changed. If you think an intelligent designer was required, where did it come from, how did it get its knowledge, and where did it get the "stuff" it made the universe out of?
3. No one thinks that present-day DNA and cells assemble randomly. The first cells may have been aggregates of amino acids, lipids, and other randomly assembled chemicals. We don't yet know, and may never know exactly how it happened. But no one has come up with any alternate theory that accounts for the improbablity of intelligent designer that just happened to exist complete with the knowledge, ability and desire to create life on earth.
Only people who do not understand the laws of thermodynamics think that they prohibit the assembly of cells or evolution of life. Every chemical or physical process that occurs in cells increases the total amount of entropy in the universe, usually by giving off waste heat. Entropy isn't about organization, it's about energy transfer. It's that simple.
Re Chapter 14: historians of the time failed to record the existence of a son of God walking on earth, his alleged miracles, or resurrection. They also failed to note tombs opening and the dead walking the streets when he was crucified. I wonder how such an important event could have been completely missed?
If anyone is qualified to determine whether or not Jesus met the OT qualifications as a Messiah, it is the original owners of the book and the ones to whom the Messiah was promised. They said no. So this bunch of dissidents comes along, co-opts their God-given scripture and claims that some upstart is the Messiah, and that God reneged on his promises and no longer considers the Jews to be his Chosen People. The Laws of Moses are rescinded (contrary to what Jesus himself said) and all anyone has to do is believe in Christ (or maybe do good works too, depending on your denomination) and they will live happily ever after while the rest of us burn in the hell created for us by a loving God. Right.
And what does all of this have to do with the scientific accuracy of the Bible? Demons being driven out of people, magical cures for illnesses, walking on water, dead people coming back to life, trees withering at a word, H2O magically acquiring alcohol and other organic molecules - I guess you don't get much more scientific than that!