Baddog1, re your link regarding the sun standing still so that Joshua could kill more people, it seems to give equal credence to a no-longer-existing Chinese tale of the sun not setting for 10 days and a Dogrib Indian tale of the sun being caught in a trap at noon and it instantly became dark (which was obviously a solar eclipse, if it was related to the story in Joshua it would have happened at night in North America). There are thousands of other folktales, myths, legends, morality tales, and creation stories in existence that are ignored by Biblical scholars, and even these carefully-selected few differ in enough details that they cannot legitimately be used to corraborate the dubious event in Joshua.
Your source concludes that:
Quote:Attempts to phenomenalize Joshua's long day or to make it allegorical thus fail. Christians and Jewish people are presented with a real historical event in Joshua 10:12-14. The central issue from their perspective is that of inerrancy of the Bible. God wrote in verse 13 that the "sun stood still and the moon stayed." God either meant what he wrote, or he did not. There is no excuse for God because he is the God of truth; therefore all things he says and does must reflect that fact. So God cannot utter an untruth and we must conclude that the Bible teaches, in Joshua 10:13 and else where, that the universe rotates around the earth once per day, carrying the sun, moon and stars with it, regardless of what introductory astronomy texts may say. We shall see later that the advanced texts belie the introductory texts on the matter of the rotation of the earth. For the time being, the choice is either the Bible or the introductory astronomy texts: which do you believe?
It is not a question of choosing in which to "believe" when it is a well-established principle of physics that the earth revolves around the sun. It is quite simply
impossible for the universe to revolve around the earth, and to believe that the entire universe came to a screetching halt then started back up a few hours later with no physical aftereffects is ludicrous. The only way anyone can believe in the inerrancy of the Bible is to close their eyes to the Truth in favor of ancient superstition and comforting lies.