Quote:I highly doubt that you enthusiastically question data that is consistent with your chosen position - at least to the same level that you do with information from those whose position you oppose. In other words - you clearly maintain a double standard.
This is a POS statement that shows that you have no idea about me . You and I sit in total anonymity and the only things we can critique of each other is what we write exposito, in this forum. Lets not stray into what you think I may do in my "day job".
In retrospect, perhaps I was too critical of your Dr Smith. I merely wanted you to know(by the 3 examples of his questionable past) That he, like many of us, have feet of clay and , I further admonish you not to accept the accolades conferred upon the dead by others who wish to use Dr Smith as an unassailable expert in everything. Hes not, far from it. HE , like a number of scientists who publish their own tracts outside their areas of expwertise (or areas within their expertise of which others have more experience). SMiths, support of the fraudulent PALUXY RIVER FOOTPRINTS, should make us pause and question his scientific objectivity. The fact that he was to have delivered the Huxley lecture in 1986, and the claim that he was "converted to Creationism" were both statements first made by the DEmbski Crew at Discovery Institute(post mortem).
There are some other pieces of possible fraud that are from Dr SMiths own memoirs. HEd claimed that he was a "general" of NATO , and was the originator of the "New 2nd LAw of Thermodynamics" to supplant Thompson's.
I can back all this up should you wish. Most all of this is literature citable and Im sure there are web sites on Dr Smith by his supplicants (as well as those of us less impressed by his WORDS re: the subjects he professes)
Im somewhat amused that, despite the material Ive already given on SMith, your principle thrust is a weak ad hominem on me. Dont worry, I can take it and I can , further, see through it. Your statements tell me that "Perhaps Baddog oughta do some more home work when he presents a "hero" for consideration.
Spendi, rather than "continually "opening your mouth and dispelling all doubts" You can easily look up SURFACE CHEMISTRY, COLLAPSING DOUBLE LAYERS, ZETA POTENTIAL , SORPTION PHENOMENA etc. I checked, and Ive found that google can lead you far along the path of understanding. That way, you wont look the fool when you make statements like
the discovery of the surface chemistry reactions that offered insights into the geochemistry of the living state.
What does it mean. Babies discover surface chemistry reactions before they can walk. And once discovered obviously they offer insights into the geochemistry of the living state. How could it be otherwise.
My reply was intended to demonstrate that fm's statement was a banality dressed up in big words. A droning noise to be precise
Obviously you screwed up in that statement.
In your efforts to be clever and witty, your references often tend to be out in left field so that you look like you dont know of what youre speaking .The hell of it was, unless youve got the creeping Alzheimers, weve discussed these concepts in the past .