Is the Bible Reliable? Science and Scripture

Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 05:06 pm
Setanta wrote:
Basically, your argument is founded on an assumption that there are no contradictions in scripture, and that is divinely inspired and inerrant. That's hardly solid logical ground upon which to stand while making one's claims.

When even the ones that "get it", get entirely different interpretations of major issues such as trinity and the existence of hell, then that alone should be enough to dispel any notions of inerrancy.
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anton bonnier
Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 05:23 pm
neologist said quote..

I'm stunned by your intellectual prowess. unquote.

Glad you have acknowledge my superior intellect neo
... real Christian ethics there. Cool
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 07:45 pm
mesquite wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Basically, your argument is founded on an assumption that there are no contradictions in scripture, and that is divinely inspired and inerrant. That's hardly solid logical ground upon which to stand while making one's claims.

When even the ones that "get it", get entirely different interpretations of major issues such as trinity and the existence of hell, then that alone should be enough to dispel any notions of inerrancy.
Disagreement over the meaning of scripture is not, in and of itself, proof of error.

The priests disagreed with Jesus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 07:47 pm
anton bonnier wrote:
neologist said quote..

I'm stunned by your intellectual prowess. unquote.

Glad you have acknowledge my superior intellect neo
... real Christian ethics there. Cool
Surely there had to be one person here to pat you on the head.
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 07:54 pm
neologist wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Basically, your argument is founded on an assumption that there are no contradictions in scripture, and that is divinely inspired and inerrant. That's hardly solid logical ground upon which to stand while making one's claims.

When even the ones that "get it", get entirely different interpretations of major issues such as trinity and the existence of hell, then that alone should be enough to dispel any notions of inerrancy.
Disagreement over the meaning of scripture is not, in and of itself, proof of error.

The priests disagreed with Jesus.

It certainly proves that all but one interpretation is wrong, with no guarantee that any of the interpretations are correct. But the most telling thing is that it throws into doubt the character of divinely inspired authorship. After all, if your boy is omniscient and omnipotent, why would he leave such crucial matters in doubt? Yet you will persist in claiming your imaginary friend doesn't play games with people's heads. The very obscurity of the exegeses casts the validity of all scripture as divinely inspired and inerrant into doubt.

Disagreement doesn't prove that you, or anyone else, Neo are not in error.
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 08:09 pm
I'll agree that there can only be one correct interpretation. Or, as Bertrand Russell opined, none are correct.

But even events we might consider indisputable are often denied. Many refuse to believe in the Holocaust.

Many things in the bible are not clearly evident to those of great intellect. Perhaps that is why Jesus stated "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes" (Matthew 11:25)

That doesn't explain why Frank could never understand, however.

Yes, I know it's a cheap shot. But maybe he will come back to defend himself
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 12:52 am
Baddog1, the creation myths in Genesis got the order wrong as well as basic scientific principles. So how do you reconcile the mistakes with the belief that the Bible is inerrant?

And how about the points I raised earlier:

The Bible reflects basic misunderstandings of science, such as Jacob's erroneous notions of heredity, the order of creation in Genesis, the origin of rainbows, storehouses for snow and hail, abodes for darkness and light, stars falling out of the heavens, sprinkling bird blood over people and things to cleanse them of leprosy, making women drink bitter water to determine whether they committed adultery, reviving dead bones, women being turned into pillars of salt, driving demons out of people and into pigs, the entire book of Revelation, and so on.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 06:28 am
Terry wrote:
Baddog1, the creation myths in Genesis got the order wrong as well as basic scientific principles. So how do you reconcile the mistakes with the belief that the Bible is inerrant?

And how about the points I raised earlier:

The Bible reflects basic misunderstandings of science, such as Jacob's erroneous notions of heredity, the order of creation in Genesis, the origin of rainbows, storehouses for snow and hail, abodes for darkness and light, stars falling out of the heavens, sprinkling bird blood over people and things to cleanse them of leprosy, making women drink bitter water to determine whether they committed adultery, reviving dead bones, women being turned into pillars of salt, driving demons out of people and into pigs, the entire book of Revelation, and so on.


Your questions require much more detail than could be described or even copy/pasted onto an internet forum. If you really desire to know & understand the answers to your questions [& more] - here is a good place to begin:


Brugman's entire book is available online at N/C, so time & effort are the only requirements to learning. You might begin at Chapter 12, then go back to the beginning.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 07:22 am
Like an idiot, I read the chapter BD highlighted in Brugmans "webook". Its just a pile of ipsidixitist crap. It uses quotes from the Bible to infer evidence for an issue about the inerrancy of the Bible. This is total horshit. Any high school debate team would have his lunch (The only thing that continues this belief in Biblica inerrancy is that the Acolytes fail to listen to anything else).

What is the reason that nominally intelligent people unquestioningly accept such circular reasoning as valid when it comes to Biblical "evidence", when in things NOT relating to their religious beliefs they can be even rational.

Im not gonna worry too much about them.

I see where a scientist at Woods Hole (in the marine evolutionary biology research program) was dismissed because he was a Creationist. Hes since found a position at Liberty U (is their science dept even accredited?). However I understand that hes gonna sue Woods Hole for "viewpoint discrimination". Maybe , since this is a USGS funded program, well see a class action suit over this.

I dont predict hes gonna win any suit because hes -going in--guilty of fraud.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 07:39 am
farmerman wrote:
Like an idiot, I read the chapter BD highlighted in Brugmans "webook". Its just a pile of ipsidixitist crap. It uses quotes from the Bible to infer evidence for an issue about the inerrancy of the Bible. This is total horshit. Any high school debate team would have his lunch (The only thing that continues this belief in Biblica inerrancy is that the Acolytes fail to listen to anything else).

What is the reason that nominally intelligent people unquestioningly accept such circular reasoning as valid when it comes to Biblical "evidence", when in things NOT relating to their religious beliefs they can be even rational.

Im not gonna worry too much about them.

I see where a scientist at Woods Hole (in the marine evolutionary biology research program) was dismissed because he was a Creationist. Hes since found a position at Liberty U (is their science dept even accredited?). However I understand that hes gonna sue Woods Hole for "viewpoint discrimination". Maybe , since this is a USGS funded program, well see a class action suit over this.

I dont predict hes gonna win any suit because hes -going in--guilty of fraud.

Thanks for the unwitting, emotion-based, personal opinions fm - duly noted.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 07:47 am
I couldnt not read it, after your ringing endorsement. Obviously theres a great gap in your education or reading comprehension skills. Anyway, if you bring it up, its open season, no?

What good are opinions if not personal?. My emotion is mostly born of frustration with your ilk.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 08:01 am
farmerman wrote:
I couldnt not read it, after your ringing endorsement. Obviously theres a great gap in your education or reading comprehension skills. Anyway, if you bring it up, its open season, no?

What good are opinions if not personal?. My emotion is mostly born of frustration with your ilk.

Just enjoying your dance between science and emotion fm. It's actually quite enjoyable. :wink:

FWIW: What specific parts of Brugman's chapter 12 do you disagree with and why?
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 08:08 am
Where is it written that people who rely upon the scientific method to learn about their world, and whose reliance has been wonderfully repaid in their experience, are not to have or express emotions? Typical bible-thumper hogwash, and a measure of their hatefulness, which ever simmers just beneath the surface.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 08:13 am
Setanta wrote:
Where is it written that people who rely upon the scientific method to learn about their world, and whose reliance has been wonderfully repaid in their experience, are not to have or express emotions?

Where is this assertion questioned?
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 09:38 am
baddog1 wrote:
Your questions require much more detail than could be described or even copy/pasted onto an internet forum. If you really desire to know & understand the answers to your questions [& more] - here is a good place to begin:

My questions could easily be answered by someone who understood science and was honest enough to admit that the Bible was written by men ignorant of science with no input from an omniscient god.

Brugman got much of the science wrong (age of the universe, speed of expansion, source of the CMBR, etc) in his apologetic for the Jewish creation myth and he glossed over all of the errors in the order of creation given from Genesis. Neither the earth nor the "heavens" were made from waters. There were stars, sun and moon before there were plants. The moon is not a "light" but merely reflects light from the sun. Whales and birds did not appear before land animals.

Brugman's book does not even begin to address the other questions I asked you.

Here are some more questions for you: Do you believe that Eve was created from Adam's rib? When did God create viruses and other disease organisms? Do you believe that there was a world-wide flood and that all existing species descended from the specimens on Noah's ark? Is everyone (including Africans, Asians, Aborigines and Native Americans) descended from Noah? Did God cause the plagues in Egypt and murdered all of the first-born? Did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walk around in a blazing furnace in defiance of the laws of thermodynamics? Did God confuse languages and scatter the people over the earth to keep them from achieving anything? How do you shut off the logical part of your brain in order to believe stuff that is obviously untrue?
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 10:15 am
baddog1 wrote:
Thanks for the unwitting, emotion-based, personal opinions fm - duly noted.

Unwitting? Surely you jest. I learned a new word, ipsidixitist, which was most appropriately applied.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 10:26 am
BD-ever hear this quote.
"Art is a passion, pursued with discipline, Science is a discipline, pursued with passion"
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 11:07 am
farmerman wrote:
BD-ever hear this quote.
"Art is a passion, pursued with discipline, Science is a discipline, pursued with passion"

Yep - it's a good one.

Thanks. :wink:
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 11:18 am
Terry wrote:
My questions could easily be answered by someone who understood science and was honest enough to admit that the Bible was written by men ignorant of science with no input from an omniscient god.

Some of the co-authors of the Bible may very well have been ignorant of science. Not the author though.

Terry wrote:
Brugman got much of the science wrong (age of the universe, speed of expansion, source of the CMBR, etc) in his apologetic for the Jewish creation myth and he glossed over all of the errors in the order of creation given from Genesis. Neither the earth nor the "heavens" were made from waters. There were stars, sun and moon before there were plants. The moon is not a "light" but merely reflects light from the sun. Whales and birds did not appear before land animals.

Please provide proof and sources for your assertions.

Terry wrote:
Brugman's book does not even begin to address the other questions I asked you.

Here are some more questions for you: Do you believe that Eve was created from Adam's rib? When did God create viruses and other disease organisms? Do you believe that there was a world-wide flood and that all existing species descended from the specimens on Noah's ark? Is everyone (including Africans, Asians, Aborigines and Native Americans) descended from Noah? Did God cause the plagues in Egypt and murdered all of the first-born? Did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walk around in a blazing furnace in defiance of the laws of thermodynamics? Did God confuse languages and scatter the people over the earth to keep them from achieving anything? How do you shut off the logical part of your brain in order to believe stuff that is obviously untrue?

In order not to threadjack - please start your own thread(s) with these questions.
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Reply Tue 8 Jan, 2008 12:07 pm
fm (and others),

It doesn't seem right that you spend all your life repeating the same old stuff. You must have been doing because there is nothing simpler than where you are now. It has all the hallmarks of intellectual death. You're stationary. And by the look of it will remain so.

Now Christians are supposed to love their neighbour so it is only natural that they mighttry to relieve you of these burdens.

To do that I am sure any Christian is prepared to listen to your alternative to Christianity.

Our PM said today at his press conference that the Christian heritage is a vital part of the fabric of our nation.

It is too easy to just slag Christianity off without offering an alternative and to show how it would work. That is attacking the fabric without having another one to replace it.

Would you kindly set out your agenda for a non-Christian fabric. You are having too easy a ride as things stand. Vandalising an existent structure can be creative so let's be hearing your alternative. Only then can we scrutinise it and if it passes muster I feel sure many will come round to your position. Failure to offer one leaves the vandalism stuck at the point of wreckage. And vandals of street furniture just flee the scene and leave it at that. You wouldn't want to be seen to be doing that about a nation's mental furniture I'm sure but if you fail to offer an alternative that's roughly the position you will be seen to be in.
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