baddog1 wrote:Your questions require much more detail than could be described or even copy/pasted onto an internet forum. If you really desire to know & understand the answers to your questions [& more] - here is a good place to begin:
My questions could easily be answered by someone who understood science and was honest enough to admit that the Bible was written by men ignorant of science with no input from an omniscient god.
Brugman got much of the science wrong (age of the universe, speed of expansion, source of the CMBR, etc) in his apologetic for the Jewish creation myth and he glossed over all of the errors in the order of creation given from Genesis. Neither the earth nor the "heavens" were made from waters. There were stars, sun and moon before there were plants. The moon is not a "light" but merely reflects light from the sun. Whales and birds did not appear before land animals.
Brugman's book does not even begin to address the other questions I asked you.
Here are some more questions for you: Do you believe that Eve was created from Adam's rib? When did God create viruses and other disease organisms? Do you believe that there was a world-wide flood and that all existing species descended from the specimens on Noah's ark? Is everyone (including Africans, Asians, Aborigines and Native Americans) descended from Noah? Did God cause the plagues in Egypt and murdered all of the first-born? Did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walk around in a blazing furnace in defiance of the laws of thermodynamics? Did God confuse languages and scatter the people over the earth to keep them from achieving anything? How do you shut off the logical part of your brain in order to believe stuff that is obviously untrue?