Okay the deep dark secret.
1) Calorie restriction. As in 1800/day. I'm of the size where I can maintain on about 3000/day so, by definition, every 3 days or so I should lose a pound (1 pound = 3500 calories). As in (since I've been restricting calories since mid-January, about 6 weeks all told) 12 lbs. However that's not 100% right as there are days when I'm probably not calculating perfectly correctly.
2) Fat is restricted to about 20 - 30% of entire diet. Since that's kinda tough to do at times, we eat a lot more vegetarian than we used to.
3) Salt restrictions. I have no blood pressure problems but salt makes you retain water. Which means pounds. Hence I stay at 2400 mg/day or less (this is the max RDA).
4) Exercise. Every single day since 12/31/07. Today, for the first time, I did 40 reps! I use light weights, usually (4 lbs.), there are also 15 lb. weights for using on occasion. It helps to mix things up. Also, my weight training goes in cycles. Today was chest, shoulders and triceps. Tomorrow is quads, buns and abs. Wednesday is biceps, back and calves. Then on Thursday the cycle starts up again but the exercises are different so different angles are worked. This accounts for 6 days out of the week. On Sunday, I do 2 abs and 2 bun exercises, any kind. I also do resistance bands (100 reps/day) and walking (15 mins/day on weekends, varying amounts of time on weekends). With exercise, I've burned over 30,000 calories, or about 9 lbs. Again, since estimates as to time duration may be off, the numbers are a ballpark.
5) The junk is out of our house. We really combed through it. I was eating a lot of garbage. Pop tarts, chips, pretzels (usually fine but a lot of salt), etc. -- it's all gone. We've got a lot of fat starlings in our back yard.
6) Portion control. This goes along with caloric restriction but it's also per meal. This leads to ...
7) Lots of small meals and snacks. Calories at any one meal rarely go over 600. Snacks are healthy, like light yogurt, oranges, apples, soy nuts, etc.
8) Weighing and measuring ingredients.
9) A lot less going out to eat.
10) Multivitamin at night, being off the pill, not menopausal yet, e. g. in a good hormonal/chemical balance.
11) Last but not least, excellent support all around!
I am more or less monitored by my doctor but I do my own weighing. I figure I'll hit the 16-lb. goal on or about mid-May or so. Right now my measurements don't seem to be cooperating but I'm a mess at taking measurements so I'm betting the problem is in method rather than in size.