Wed 26 Dec, 2007 01:53 am
I was flying from Singapore to Melbourne and on the entertainment system of my quantas flight they showed the flight information in several languages. One of them looked like a line with characters or letters more or less hanging down from it. I've seen the language before but I thought it was an Indian language so the fact that they used it on a flight from singapore to melbourne confused me. I could be wrong altogether though. Does anyone know what it is?
That description sounds a bit like Arabic to me but it's hard to tell given the big differences my imagination of your description can have from what you saw.
It doesn't sound like Tamil, which would make some sense because of the flight origin either.
I don't know what Indigenous Australian languages look like but I do know that Quantas goes out of their way to hire Indigenous Australians, but that seems like a big stretch since that doesn't mean they'd use their languages in flight information and because it's not one of their priority languages (see: ).
Sanskrit looks it still used?
Is how Hindi is written? (Ignorant in Oz)
Why didn't you ask the flight attendant
On planes in that area, you can see this kind of writing:
has to be it. The description now looks like Hindi in my head.
It is! So it really was an indian language! Thank you very much! I wonder why they used it on that flight though..
By the way, Francis, is that Thai?
And another question, for both languages shown above: do you read them from left to right or from right to left?
And what scripture do people use to write Urdu? Is that the arabic script?
D1Doris wrote:And another question, for both languages shown above: do you read them from left to right or from right to left?
And what scripture do people use to write Urdu? Is that the arabic script?
There are more questions than answers.
Just forgot this thread.
Here are the answers:
- I was referring to Thai.
- Hindi, as well as Thai, are written left to right.
- Urdu is written right to left.
Yes, Urdu is written in Arabic script.