Thu 20 Dec, 2007 12:46 pm
Mother and father penguins cooperate very well with each other. They share responsibilities such as sitting on their eggs and swimming out into the ocean to search for food for their young.
Does the bold / bolded part sound right?
Which is the correct adjective? I believe that it should be 'bold'. Am I correct?
I'm going to disclaim any expertise here, and simply note that i've seen "bolded" used, and "bold-faced" used, and note that both involve the use of a past participle.
By the way, if you were asking if "share responsibilities" is correct, yes, it is. It is a common locution, and i frankly couldn't think of more succinct way of conveying the idea with such immediacy.
Setanta wrote:By the way, if you were asking if "share responsibilities" is correct, yes, it is. It is a common locution, and i frankly couldn't think of more succinct way of conveying the idea with such immediacy.
Does the
bold / bolded part sound right?
I want to know whether I should use 'bold' or 'bolded'.
Many thanks.
I've already responded to that question--RP disagrees. Make your choice.
Setanta wrote:I've already responded to that question--RP disagrees. Make your choice.
My apologies. Shall we wait for another member to comment?
is it too late to change my answer?
That's your choice--as i've already pointed out, i'm not claiming any expertise in the matter. Perhaps RP is stating that he knows his answer to be the correct answer.
i know no such thing... although "bold text" out-hit "bolded text" 10-to-1 on google
For what it's worth, I think "bold" is preferable. But I think either way is correct.
Re: bold/bolded
Yoong Liat wrote:Mother and father penguins cooperate very well with each other. They share responsibilities such as sitting on their eggs and swimming out into the ocean to search for food for their young.
Does the bold / bolded part sound right?
Which is the correct adjective? I believe that it should be 'bold'. Am I correct?
bold part
part in bold
bolded part
Correct is what's common to one's dialect, YL. Some say potato, some say potato.
Yes, I'd say the "part shown in bold" or the "part in bold" (the word 'text' being understood)
I must say I don't like "bolded". That sounds awkward to my ear.
Bold type is also used.
But I wonder about "their" eggs.
I would have preferred "the" eggs or even "her" eggs.
Well, I would say "Please note the "italicized" words" or "Please note the "words in italics", so I guess I would say "bolded". It was also what first came to mind and sounds right. I guess because the fact that they are in bold is past tense, as in they have been bolded. What a weird word. Bolded.
I would use "bold" more as in present or future as in "Please bold (or underline) the verb in the sentence" ... as in, Do It.
As opposed to: The verbs in the sentences are bolded and underlined.
There you go, for what it's worth.
In the printing business, type style is: italic, bold, or underlined.
So it is "Please look at the bolld text."