linkat :
you sure are in a tough spot .
what our company did in some "outhiring" cases is , they paid for one of those outhiring outfits to do the job . personally i think they are a bit of a sham , they charge a lot of money and do very little for it , but at least they give the company some protection against potential lawsuits - i assume ???
speaking of "his mother thinks he is a good boy" , makes my memory wander - all the way back more than 50 years to germany
an older fellow i was working with (he must have been about 50 - that was old to me in those days ) , told the boss that his MIL thought that he was entitled to a promotion .
so the boss came back from a magement meeting and told the fellow : "i fought like a lion for you , unfortunately in vain! " . the poor fellow was rather devasted , but we - as uncaring and uncouth young fellows , who were not under MIL's orders - thought it was rather hilarious .
i'm sure such an approach wouldn't fly any more - particularly in germany .