Intrepid wrote:Yes, political correctness has, indeed, gone mad. Not just at this time of year, but every day of the year in every sector of society. Gone are the simple, tolerant days of old.
I think that everyone should be able to greet as they see fit given their comfort level. I just don't think that one greeting should be replaced by another just because there is a segment of society that does not embrace a particular holiday in the spirit that it began.
Exactly. So why get so upset when people don't say Merry Christmas and say Happy Holidays? What? Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings it not acceptable? Because you and that video you posted gave me the impression that they're not.
People everywhere and saying, "Pfft, political correctness has gone mad. I'm going to say Merry Christmas and if they don't like it, they can go to Hell." Great. But when somebody decides to say, Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings, people get all indignant... "Political correctness gone mad! Why can't we say Merry Christmas? What is wrong with these Nazis?"
You know where everybody keeps getting this "political correctness gone mad" attitude from?
Hacks like Bill O'Reilly.
There was never any political correctness gone mad in the first place. No, what it was, was that some hack in the media decided to make controversy where there isn't any. And it's repeated every single year. Yet every single year, you hear the majority of people complaining about it, despite the fact that nearly everybody says "Merry Christmas".
It's now gotten to the point in the UK where politicians are now discussing "Christianophobia". What next? Will they pass special laws to protect Christianity? Will it give the religion even more privelege than it already has in this country? If I was feeling really paranoid, and I mean really paranoid (mental institution level paranoia), I'd say it was a devious Christian plot to pass off some laws to further force Christianity into our lives.
Of course, you would say the opposite.
Once the law is passed, a school will be forced to do Nativities every single Christmas, because if they decide not to, a particularly nasty piece of work can then say... "Hey, Christians are being persecuted. You're not doing a Nativity scene because of this PC bullcrap. We demand that our Nativity be performed and recognised, because not doing so impinges on our ability to celebrate Christmas." And the law would be on his side and hey presto! The school will be forced to do Nativities every single Christmas because of the law and an extra paranoid Christian.
Or maybe, just maybe, all these incidents are isolated, individuals incidents with at least one similar theme to them. It might be a very slim theme, like a Christian was involved in both incidents. It might have more themes in common. But the point is, maybe it's just a few isolated incidents and somehow the media is blowing it out of proportion and you guys are helping to blow it out of proportion with all this indignancy over a trend that doesn't exist.