au1929 wrote:Tartarin
You want proof positive? It does not exist. However the wealth of evidence has convinced most of the world that Al Qaeda was responsible. Are you sure your opinion is not colored by your white hot hate for Bush and co.
Actually, there is no evidence whatsoever that bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. Al-Queda is a cell-based organization, each of which operate independently. Bin Laden doesn't tell them all what to do and the cell that most likely was responsible was initially in Saudi Arabia and not under bin Laden's direct control. So he's more than likely innocent of the attack, even if Al-Queda was responsible at all. In fact, bin Laden initially came out and denied responsibility in mid-September and all of the tapes beyond that time are quite suspect. It's amazing when a tape shows up exactly when Bush needs a shot in the arm popularity-wise, isn't it? Might think Bush is writing them, huh?
It's also pretty clear that Bush knew something was going on prior to 9/11, if not specifically what. While only time will tell, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Bush was personally involved in the planning and execution of 9/11.