Joe Nation wrote:How can you tell? What set of applicable diagnostic (as opposed to agnostic -that's a joke) characteristics did you use to become a Christian Fundamentalist? More importantly, with a degree in Biology, what makes you stay one? (And please capitalize your field of study.)
I am a Christian Fundamentalist because that is the way I identify myself. I doubt that every other self-identified Christian Fundamentalist would accept me as a Fundamentalist because of some of the views that I have, but I have more in common with Christian Fundamentalists than I do with Evangelicals/Pentecostals.
Following the
Associated Press Stylebook you do not capitalize the first letter of an academic discipline if you would not capitalize it for other reasons:
"Lowercase fields of study, unless the words are proper nouns that would normally be capitalized: biology, humanities, English, French."
Those poor mopes are in there trying to figure out how all those fossils could have happened during the same flood, they are trying to figure out if some of them might have been in deeper water, meanwhile real Science is reconstructing viruses from 100,000 years ago from junk portions of our DNA . Did you read about that during your college career? Get the New Yorker from three weeks ago. Fascinating but not in alignment with Genesis.
Let me summarize my beliefs on this subject:
01. There is no way to scientifically test (by experimentation) any explanation for the origin of the universe, the earth or the life therein. Anything anyone believes is a matter of faith. Darwinism and Creationism (in any form) are equally faith systems, neither being true science.
02. Micro-evolution, i.e., speciation by Darwinian mechanisms, may be possible within the narrow genetic limits of the kinds that God created. As some Creationists speculate, the "kind" of Genesis chapter 1 may indicate a higher level of classification than the species, genus or even the family.
03. Macro-evolution, i.e., the origin of higher taxa or levels of classification higher than the species, is impossible as far as science is concerned. There is no irrefutable observational evidence and absolutely no experimental evidence for macro-evolution. Any and all molecules to man scenarios are little more than science fiction.
04. No one will become a Christian simply because they do not believe in Darwinism. Neither will someone accept Darwinism simply because they reject Christianity. It is imperative that Christians study and understand Darwinism, but only so they can better understand correct Christian doctrine. Christians should not hope to convert Darwinists by disputing with them. The best a Christian can hope for in such disputes is that he can waste Satan's time by aggravating his servants while also diverting his attention from other Christians who may not be as able to defend the Christian faith.
Age of the earth
01. The Bible does not expressly say when God created anything. Neither does the Bible say how long it took Him to complete His creative acts since the translation of the Hebrew equivalent of "day" in the context of Genesis chapter 1 and 2 is disputed.
02. Science is incapable of telling us the age of the universe, the age of the earth or when life originated. No one was around to observe these events so we do not know what conditions must be duplicated in order to conduct an experiment with a control group in order to test any proposed hypothesis. And without experimentation, there can be no scientific explanation for anything.
03. There is some archaeological and documentary evidence that the earth has not always had 24-hour solar days or 365.25 day years. Furthermore, the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake gave us an ample demonstration of how the earth's solar orbit, and thus its day length, can be disrupted. Extrapolating the 24 hour day or the 365.25 day year back to Genesis Chapter 1 is pointless.
04. Since neither science, nor the Bible tells us beyond a doubt the age of the universe or the age of the earth or when living things originated, such matters must have no place in Christian doctrine.
05. Spiritual death and physical death are part and parcel of the same thing. You cannot have one without eventually having the other.
06. Any form of old-earth creationism that maintains or implies that any living thing suffered physical or spiritual death before Adam and Eve sinned is not supported by the Bible and must be utterly rejected. A God that would create something just to let it die is not a God worthy of worship. Death did not enter the world until after sin had entered the world and sin did not enter the world until Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Noah's Flood
01. The Flood was a worldwide event.
02. The physical dimensions of the Flood, as given in Genesis, are, no doubt, dependent on the earth's physical conditions at the time of the Flood. The earth's landscape has most likely been greatly altered since the time of the Flood. Just because Genesis says that the Flood covered the highest mountain, there is no reason to assume that the Flood covered Mount Everest because there is no reason to assume that Mount Everest existed in Noah's day or that it was then the world's highest mountain if it did.
03. The Flood killed all humans other than Noah and his family.
04. The Flood killed all land-dwelling, air-breathing animals other than the ones that had refuge on Noah's Ark.
05. The Flood killed all birds other than the ones that had refuge on Noah's Ark.
06. The Flood likely killed most aquatic animals, but it certainly did not kill all aquatic animals because the Bible gives no indication that Noah had any way to re-populate aquatic environments after the Flood.
07. Most, if not all, bacteria, protests and fungi likely survived the Flood either by entering a dormant state or being taken onto the Ark as a matter of course or by using the surviving organisms, that were not on the ark, as hosts.
08. Some plants certainly survived the Flood by either being taken onto the Ark or through the normal survival mechanisms found in nature (seeds, roots et cetera).
09. The Flood is not likely the first, nor the only, worldwide natural catastrophe the earth has endured and it is not likely to be the only cause of the earth's geologic column or fossil record.
Quote:First of all,
no, it's not. In case you are wondering, and I know you are not because wondering might cause you to doubt and doubt leads to sin, the universe is 13.7 billions years old that's with a margin of error of about 1%.
Source: NASA WMAP A margin of error of 1% is better than most dads achieve when asked the ages of their own children but I am sure it won't be dogmatic enough for you because you believe in the inerrancy of the Word of God. Science doesn't work on being inerrant, it works from best, testable evidence.
There is no legitimate scientific evidence to support any particular age for the earth/universe beyond the period of recorded history- and there is even some doubt about recorded history.
Radiometric dating is perhaps the most commonly used "scientific" dating method. But these techniques are all based on assumptions- and assumption is the death of science:
1. Radioactive decay rates have been constant throughout history.
2. Neither parent, nor daughter nuclei have migrated into or out of whatever system is being dated.
3. The natural ratio of the parent to daughter nuclei has been constant for all time.
These assumptions don't hold true for something as basic as radiocarbon.
The first researchers to work with radiocarbon realized that radiocarbon decay rates in nature are not constant; they vary according to things like temperature and atmospheric pressure. Radiocarbon dating tests are conducted under standardized laboratory conditions. A radiocarbon date from a testing lab isn't an accurate indicator of age in the natural world. If we don't know when and to what degree the decay rates have changed over time in nature, we cannot create an accurate set of standardized conditions for use in the lab. (I discussed this issue earlier this year on another board, but the weblink to the information no longer works.)
Scientists are coming to the conclusion that accepted carbon dates for various materials may be wrong by as much as 3,500 years. Scientists try to calibrate carbon dates using tree ring dating, but tree ring dating itself is not reliable.
A shipwreck found off the coast of Turkey had a cargo of firewood that was tree ring dated to 1316-1305 BC while the wood used to make the ship itself dates to sometime before 1400 BC, meaning that the ship was in use for about 100 years- something I doubt considering the stormy nature of the Mediterranean and difficulty sailors usually had in traversing it.
The shipwreck also had a scarab (a beetle-shaped magic charm from Egypt) that had the name of Pharaoh Aknaton's wife, Nefertiti, engraved on it. The tree ring dates for the firewood roughly correspond to the commonly accepted dates for Nefertiti, but carbon dates for the dynasty that included Aknaton and Nefertiti are inconsistent. The entire 18th Dynasty is usually dated from 1550 BC to 1295 BC with King Tut being around 1332 to 1322 BC (give or take a few centuries depending on whose chronology you use). However, some artifacts from the tomb of Tut have radiocarbon dates from as much as 600 years later.
So what's right? The chronology based on historical documentation, the tree rings, the carbon dates that agree with the historical chronology or the carbon dates that are off by over a half-century? We cannot reliably date materials from 3,000 years ago, but Darwinists are certain that the earth is at least 13 billion years old?
Quote:Personally speaking, it is the adherence to dogma in the face of evidence and the total resistance to change. Had Western civilization adhered to the pronouncements of the Roman Popes and Luther and Calvin and the other Christian Mullahs, we would have been in the same state as Afghanistan is today.[/quote[
But your evidence is wrong and insisting that it is true in an act of faith on your part meaning that you are just as dogmatic as you claim Christian Fundamentalists are.