Roxxxanne wrote:woiyo wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Roxxxanne wrote: Republicans here can watch it then as apparently, none of them watched it live.
And you have concluded this, how?
Well apparently not too many Republicans "watched it live" since most of the live audience were Democratic plants. :wink:
That would be funny if it had any basis in truth.
How are the Republican candidates going to deal with Osama Bin Laden if they can't handle questions from Democrats?
Tico needs to learn English. When one says "apparently" something happened , she or he isn't drawing a conclusion.
Actually, it seems you need the English lesson. You used the word "apparently," which caused me to ask how you reached the conclusion that "
apparently, none of them watched it live." It -- apparently -- was "apparent" to you that none of the Republicans here watched the debate live. For you to have made that statement, you must have reached a conclusion about the matter, which made it "apparent" to you. There must be some set of "facts" that you digested and regurgitated to state your point ... and I merely asked you to advise what the basis of your conclusion was. If that's too difficult for you to follow, allow me to restate:
What is the basis for your statement that it is "apparent" that none of the "Republicans here" watched the debate live?
Now, you either have a basis for making that statement, or -- more likely -- you like to talk out of your ass.